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Alexander's death

In June 323 BC Babylon was living one last glorious moment of its history. Young and full of life, Alexander came back to the capital of his empire after he had got to the end of the known world. He was 32; he walked many miles since he had left Pella wanting to fulfill dreams that seemed impossible to all but him. Believing in himself and in his fate, he led his men to victory against the greatest military force of his time, the Persian Empire.

In Babylon Alexander's disease started suddenly (during a drinking party). The king was making preparations for new adventures and conquests. Although he was feeling weaker and weaker he was determined to start his new expedition. The army would leave, to be followed by the fleet one day later. But Alexander was not strong enough to fight the fever. He summoned his officers to direct that they see all was in order for the expedition; but the expedition was already one day delayed without the king realising it. A few days after this he was too weak to converse and direct his officers. Then the troops, aware from the delay that something was seriously wrong with the king, entered the palace to see him. He was only able to raise his eyes in greeting as they passed by, in their grief as speechless as he. The next day Alexander died.

Modern physicians still argue about the cause of his death. What has been written by ancient historians on Alexander's death seems to be not enough to establish a certain diagnosis. It could have been malaria, pneumonia or even poison that killed him.
