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Laomedon, son of Larichus

Laomedon was the brother of Erigyius, who plays a larger part in Alexander’s history. The brothers are mentioned as being both Macedonian and Mitylenean in the sources, so it is likely that their father was brought from Lesbos and settled in Macedonia by Philip, and the sons naturalised by their adopted country.

They were older than Alexander, believed to have been born around 380 or during the 370s; so, although they were Alexander’s ‘herairoi’, they were more likely older ‘mentors’. This suggestion is likely also considering their earliest known appearance in Alexander’s history, when they were sent into exile by Philip, along with the other ‘mentors’ Ptolemy, Nearchus and Harpalus. (Arr. III.6.5-6. See also Heckel, ‘Marshals’, p.211.)

Apart from Laomedon’s appointment as a trierarch in the Indus fleet (Arr. ‘Indica’, 18.4), the only other thing we know of Laomedon during the campaign years was that he spoke the Persian (or perhaps Aramaic) language, and therefore was put in charge of the barbarian prisoners (Arr. III.6.6). It is possible that he has suffered a great injustice, and his role downplayed (accidentally or deliberately) by the early historians. According to Arrian, Curtius and Diodorus, Alexander sent Leonnatus to visit the Persian royal ladies after their capture at Issus (Arrian 2.12.5; QC 3.12.7-12; Diod. 17.37.3). However, Leonnatus had no knowledge of Persian, as far as we know, and as Curtius makes such a point of the need for someone who could speak the language, it is more likely that Laomedon should have been selected as the envoy.

In the wrangling after Alexander’s death, Laomedon was appointed satrap of Syria and Phoenicia (QC X.10.1-2; Diod. 18.3.1; Justin XIII.4; Arr. ‘Events After Alexander’ 4-6, 34). He possibly assisted Ptolemy in hijacking Alexander’s funeral cortege. But his relationship with Ptolemy soured after Triparadeisos, and the satrap of Egypt sent agents to arrest him. Laomedon bribed his guards and escaped, at which point he disappears from the record, although it is possible that he died not that long afterwards (see Heckel, p.212).

Written by marcus
