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Post by ruthaki »

I'm heading up to Mieza in a few weeks.It's one of the last "Alexander" sites I must visit as it figures in the final chapters of my novel. Anyone been there? (I hope it's open to the public now.)
Is the best way to go on a day-trip from Thessaloniki? And could I manage Pella and Mieza on the same excursion?You might like to check out my web site (on an Alexander theme: http://www.dreamwater.org/ruthaki)
I'll be adding a few more photos to it after this trip.

Re: Mieza

Post by Brie987 »

I have always had an interest in Alexander and
about his life, I think your trip sounds wonderful
(Im sorry I cannot help you with your question
though) I just stumbled onto this site but wanted
to say have a great trip!!!!!!!
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Re: Mieza

Post by marcus »

Hi Ruth,Enjoy the trip - I am still trying to work out when I'm going to be able to make it to Macedonia.As far as I've been able to work out, you ought to be able to do Mieza and Pella in one day - but probably only if you have a car. If you were to trust to the local buses I wouldn't know (not because they are especially bad, but because they don't exactly go every five minutes).I look forward to seeing the pictures!All the bestMarcus
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Re: Mieza

Post by wmp »

Ruth - I'm not certain if my post will help you - but here it is, for what it's worth!The site of Mieza isn't particularly easy to find - & certainly not by bus. I was there in May, and noted that on the main Veria/Edessa road, going north, and just north of Naoussa, there was a splendid sign pointing east to Mieza - but you actually find that you're directed to the Tombs of the Palmettes and Crisis... The way to The School of Aristotle is to the west of the main road - I got there via the little Theatre of Kopanos - which is signed off the main Veria/Edessa road (but the old brown sign is only noticeable if driving northwards...). (While you're there, try to see the tomb of Lyson & Kallikrates - not Alexander period - but quite marvellous!) Pella, however, is hard to miss - museum and car park one side of the road, main site on the other, and you can get there by bus from Thessaloniki - ask to be set down at the modern Pella crossroads. In May the palas site (about a kilometre up the hill from the main site, but not connected, so you have to go throught the modern village to the gates) was still closed, although I thought a little work had been done to it since I saw it a year previously.Do enjoy your visit!.....
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Re: Mieza

Post by maciek »

Hi Ruth!
Have nice trip. I will be in Macedonia in the middle of September so I will see THAT places too. I would like to see Ajgaj and Pella for sure. I'm very exiting going there and can't wait so long.Maciek
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Re: Mieza

Post by ruthaki »

Thanks for your well-wishes. I will enjoy the trip. Greece is a special place for me, and the Spirit of Alexander lives there! ruthaki
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Re: Mieza

Post by ruthaki »

Thanks, Marcus. I've been to Pella twice before but now they've done more excavations on the palace area I need to go again. I wasn't sure if I could do the two in one day, probably not as I use the local buses. I was just trying to avoid having to stay too many days in 'Saloniki. I've been there so many times! ruthaki
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