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Hetairos (companion)
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Post by maciek »

I wonder why are historians so sure that all sources from Alexanders' times are lost, maybe it is some chance to find Nearchos' log or Ptolemys' diary or other. I was trying hard but I couldn't find any information how that sources were lost. I've heard also that in museums there is a lot of exhibits which are not catalogued and in their stores is many not sawn "lost" books. I've read that only one remaining source is "Babilonian annuales" which has not great value for us.
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Re: Sources

Post by marcus »

There are two main reasons why we don't have the original sources. First, it was fashionable in the ancient world (as it has been throughout history) to write epitomes and digests of other writers - to show one's literary skills, as much as anything. Hence, for example, we have Justin's epitome of Trogus (leaving aside whether either have much historical merit); and, indeed, some other ancient writings were known to the Medieval West (before the fall of Constantinople opened up the East more) only through such digests (Aristotle, for example, whose writings were only known, until relatively late, through Latin digests). The significance of, say, Ptolemy's history, was far less in the ancient world than it would be today.
Second, the destruction of libraries, such as the Alexandrian as the most famous example, caused a great deal to be lost. There was also the destructive element of Christianity, which shouldn't be underestimated - if it was a pagan text, it wasn't important.
However, you never know what might turn up! A massive hoard of manuscripts was unearthed at Herculaneum, which has already yielded previously unknown texts. But reconstruction of these texts is a long and arduous process and it will be years before everything can be identified. One lives in hope that there might be a rich Alexander source amongst these manuscripts...
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Re: Sources

Post by ruthaki »

I understand that a lot of the royal records were destroyed by Kassandros after he seized control (after murdering Alexander's family members); And I believe some Sources were lost in the fire at Alexandria. I wonder how many fragments have or will show up? (Such as the fragments of Sappho's work that have shown up in Egyptian pottery shards and parchment fragements)?
Hetairos (companion)
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Re: Sources

Post by maciek »

Hi Ruth!
Do You know about something like this - some new discoveries about Al? For me it is especially fascinating to find something brand new about him - to (maybe) proof my opinion about his conquers.Maciek
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