The tomb of the Cassander family

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Hetairos (companion)
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The tomb of the Cassander family

Post by system1988 »

Please try to translate this in english when and if you can- it's really important.


Here is something more: 5 royal tombs found in Vergina
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Re: The tomb of the Cassander family

Post by agesilaos »

This is a google translation, not perfect but one gets the drift
Members of the dynasty Temenid, even the King Cassander himself or one of his sons attaches director of Q 'Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Angeliki Kottaridi, burial cluster found in Vergina.

Mrs Kottaridi proceeded to "scientifically bold" assumptions about the disclosure of five new royal tombs during his presentation of the afternoon Thursday in archaeological conference AUTH Q. director of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Angeliki Kottaridi.

King Cassander was one of the successors of Alexander the Great and husband of his sister, Thessaloniki.

In its Communication entitled "Reformation-emergence of the Royal Necropolis of Goats. Protection and improvement of the cemetery of tumuli and burial cluster Temenid "Mrs Kottaridi announced that Total (since 1996 until today) 20 tombs dating from the Archaic (first half of the 6th century.) Until the early Hellenistic period (late 4th-early 3rd century BC.).

"We are investigating the cluster Temenid located in the southwest corner of the cemetery of tumuli and marks the route of the ancient road that led from the northwest gate of the city-where the burial cluster of queen-to the area buried by Philip II and D Alexander, son of Alexander the Great and Roxane for the identification of the tomb where no one so far has not raised any objection, "said Mr Kottaridi.

Referring to another tomb said: "Lots of pottery, mainly elegant white urns, features oil chamber of funeral ceremonies, all dating around 420-410 BC, while an iron sword escaped from robbers indicates that the tomb belongs to a warrior, perhaps King Perdiccas II (454-413 BC), who had fought hard to retain an independent kingdom in the midst of the Peloponnesian War "

"While everyone is looted tombs, the presence of residual impressive firefights with rich burial offerings (vessels and weapons) to withdraw descriptions of the Homeric epics and the size and form of its own monuments led us to connect with family Temenid."

Excavations of Q 'Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, which are chaired by Mrs Kottaridi financed under NSRF project.

Earlier, the director of the excavation at Vergina university professor of archeology AUTH (and MEP), Chryssoula Paliadeli presented new evidence that the royal tomb at Vergina belongs to King Philip II.

By way of answer to a series of scientific data to those-Greeks and foreign colleagues-have at times questioned the scientific conclusions of Manolis Andronikos, Mrs Paliadeli - as head of the university excavation, returned from 2010 until today the review of the skeletal material from Tomb II of Great Tumulus at Vergina, reassessing the earlier investigations with the assistance of medical and physicochemical tests. "For the dead chamber new findings lead to a more precise determination of the age (41-49 years), and identify degenerative, chronic diseases and activity indicators suggest that middle-aged man with strong horsemanship and military activity. These data, in combination with morphological alterations of bone-proving that the deceased was burned immediately after his death-weaken the theory of identification with Philip III Arrhidaios and enhance contrast, the grave of Philip II "argues in his contribution entitled" Skeletal material from the royal tombs of Vergina - Interpretive approaches in anthropological data "" Professor Mrs Paliadeli. Concerning "Still the vestibule," Mrs Paliadeli argued that "new observations bones not previously identified accurately identify most, age (30-34 years), which precludes definitive three of the possible identifications that have been proposed so far for its identity (Cleopatra and Midas, women of Philip II and AWF / Eurydice, wife of Philip III ARIDEA). Morphological alterations attest that still burned, like the dead of the chamber, immediately after death, while the equestrian activity indicators say they rode for a long time. A fracture at the upper end of the left tibia caused shortening, atrophy and limp in her left leg, leading to the conclusion that the pair of greaves unequal vestibular owned and that most of the male weapons found on the site is hers ". "These data," concludes Mr Paliadeli "reinforce old case of NGLHammond for the identification of the dead with an unknown Skythissa, perhaps daughter of King General, without of course exclude the possibility of the dead antechamber to recognize Avdata , wife of Philip II of Illyria. " 'The most important conclusion of the investigation, "he told the Athens News Agency, the head of the university excavation," in terms of support not only from archaeological and anthropological view that the tomb II of Great Tumulus to Philip II and the chronology of his death in 336 BC. "
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Re: The tomb of the Cassander family

Post by system1988 »

agesilaos wrote:
This is a google translation, not perfect but one gets the drift
Thank you very much for your fast reflexes on translating this. I don't think there is any need to go about fixing anything with it because the scientific world as well as the rest of us will soon learn the results of these excavations- I hope.

Best regards

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Re: The tomb of the Cassander family

Post by agesilaos »

Should it actually prove to be Kassandros' tomb perhaps they will be able to DNA sequence the disease that killed him assuming there are bones left.
When you think about, it free-choice is the only possible option.
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