Need Info. re Possible Relative of Hefestion's...

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Pezhetairos (foot soldier)
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Need Info. re Possible Relative of Hefestion's...

Post by lysis56 »

I'm looking for information, (which I once my fingers on, but have since lost) that a relative of Hefestion's may have turned up at Babylon after Alexander's death. As I recall from memory - unfortunately, I don't have my docs in front of me (everything's packed for moving) there is or was some speculation that Hefestion may have had an Athenian grandfather, Democratis? and possibly a cousin. I recall from some of Dr. Reammes research that Hefestion and his father may have possibly been granted Athenian citizenship possibly re diplomacy re Chareonea, (i.e. inscriptions she discovers at the Acropolis.) I recall some of this information also from an article by Heckels and believe Dr. Reammes also mentions this in some of her research. If anyone can point me in the "right" direction I would appreciate it.

Re the grant of possible Athenian citizenship to Hefestion and his father, Amyntor, it makes me wonder if they accompained Alexander on his diplomatic trip to Athens to return the Athenian dead following Chareonea. This is purely speculation on my part, however, I can't help but wonder, if Amyntor, H's father had relatives in Athens, would they have been pro-Macedonian (could they have been otherwise, would it have been wise to be otherwise?) and perhaps acted to help push through the citizenship grants for H and his father, and what role might they have played in smoothing things between the more antagonist faction such as those led by Demeosthanes, etc., and smoothing the way for Alexander to commence wth presenting Macedonian sentiments toward Athens in a favorable light.

Thank you,

Strategos (general)
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Re: Need Info. re Possible Relative of Hefestion's...

Post by Alexias »

Heckel proposes the following 'purely hypothetical’ family tree for Hephaestion:

|. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .|
Althaimenes . . . . . . . . Amyntor
| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
Demetrios(2) . . . . . . . . Hephaestion

This is based on the following assumptions:

1/ Greeks had a tradition of naming the first son after his paternal grandfather, meaning Demetrios (2) had a grandfather called Demetrios(1). (It also potentially means that Hephaestion had an older brother called Demetrios.)

2/ Amyntor son of Demetrios(1) who is granted Athenian citizenship (along with his descendants) in 334/3 for goodwill towards the Athenian people is Hephaestion’s father. (Open to a lot of doubt in my opinion).

Demetrios(2) son of Althaimenes is named as an ilarch at Gaugamela and a hipparch in the Swat campaign (327/6). He disappears after the Mallian campaign (326/5).

Reames proposes that an Amyntor son of Amyntor mentioned in an inscription dated to 311/10 from Kolophon, Lydia is a possible posthumous son of Amyntor by a different mother, making him a much younger half-brother of Hephaestion.

Thus, potentially:

| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
Althaimenes . . . . . ..Amyntor
|. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m. .(1) . ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .m. .(2 .)?
| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .|________________________________|
| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . .| . . . . . . . . . . . . |
Demetrios(2) . . . . . . . Demetrios . . . . . Hephaestion . . . . . . Amyntor
Pezhetairos (foot soldier)
Posts: 55
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Re: Need Info. re Possible Relative of Hefestion's...

Post by lysis56 »

HI Alexis,

Much thanks for you excellent information, this is greatly helpful. Hefestion's familial background is an interesting question that will no doubt keep those of interested in him and his relationship to Alexander guesses for years to come.

Again, thank you,

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