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Post by Gemmini »

does any one now where to find a forum like this, but where there is talk about the trojan war? (not the movie). I know it is not the right place...but Alexander liked to read about it and maybe it is not so wrong to ask it here. Perheps even you can help me out...I am reading some books about Ramzes II, who lived in the same period as the trojan war...and at one point, king Menelaos and his wife, Helen of troy apear in Egypt. I never read about the trojan war, all I know are the comon facts and the movie, but there, Menelaos was killed and Helen did not return to is the true ending of the war or its outcome ?Thx for all replays, Jakob
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Re: troy

Post by jona »

Maybe you should post this at soc.history.ancient or humanities.classics. The latter newsgroup is kinder.Jona
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Re: troy

Post by marcus »

Hi Jakob,One of the difficulties (if it really is a difficulty) about the Trojan War is that there was never one poem/myth in the ancient world that covered the entire war, so parts of the story crop up all over the place (sometimes in different versions).The story that Menelaus and Helen turned up in Egypt, for example, is well known, and appeared in one or two ancient writings - there is a reference in the Odyssey to at least Menelaus landing on the coast of Egypt - but this really came into the 'common' sphere of the story only in the 19th century, when Rider Haggard and Andrew Lang wrote a Romance about it.As for the 'true' ending of the story, well ... Achilles was killed by Paris before the city fell. Paris was then killed (again before the city fell) by Philoktetes (if I recall correctly) who owned the bow and arrows of Herakles. When the city fell Priam was killed by Neoptolemos, the son of Achilles, who took Hektor's wife as his booty. Agamemnon survived and returned to Mycenae, where he was killed by his wife, who in the meantime had shacked up with her lover (which led to a separate myth cycle about the revenge his children took); Menelaus and Helen returned to Sparta (as you know); Odysseus set off on his wanderings, taking another 10 years to return home (probably used Virgin Trains) ... etc. etc.Hope this helps (a bit).All the bestMarcus
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Re: troy

Post by ruthaki »

You will find a forum on under ancient history forums where you will likely get more answers about this subject. ruthaki
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