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Alexander the Great is Moving Down Under

Posted: Thu May 22, 2003 9:44 am
by Tre
Alexander the Great is Moving Down Under Following a wave of suicide attacks that killed 41 civilians last week in Casablanca, producer Dino De Laurentiis plans to move the production of Baz Luhrmann's biopic Alexander the Great to Australia, reports Variety.De Laurentiis, who built a studio to house "Alexander" in Ouarzazate, less than 300 miles from Casablanca, has decided the political conditions are too precarious."Unless the situation changes in five or six months," De Laurentiis said, "any important American actor could be a target. That is a risk I cannot take."De Laurentiis, who is in pre-production on "Alexander," said Luhrmann expects to start shooting digital footage in November and begin rehearsals with Leonardo DiCaprio, who stars, in January.

Down Under, and Stone's script

Posted: Thu May 22, 2003 11:00 am
by karen
Hi all:
Can't blame di Laurentis for this move. What else can he do?
Meanwhile, I went to the link that has bits of the Oliver Stone script -- they're intended for actors who want to audition for parts in the movie -- and ordered a couple to download... they're cheap! I got Hephaistion and Kleitos, and the Kleitos one is, not surprisingly, the argument leading up to his death. And at one point, Kleitos yells, "Never... would your father have taken savages as friends, made one his Queen..."
But Alexander didn't marry Roxane, or anyone for that matter, until after Kleitos's death.
I hope they do make corrections...The link is: ... /role.html Love & peace,

Re: Down Under, and Stone's script

Posted: Thu May 22, 2003 1:33 pm
by jan
I am certainly glad that you posted this message. It makes sense now to me why Saudia Arabia and Morocco were the scenes of terrorism in one single week. Sounds like Casablanca to me, Play It Again Sam (Sports)!

Re: Down Under, and Stone's script

Posted: Thu May 22, 2003 5:36 pm
by jan
Tre, I just found a reference to your name on the About site while going to some of the links provided under royalty. nu.To me, Saudia Arabia, and Morocco spell out SAM.Thanks to you I now know that the film team was 300 miles from the base.That is important to me as when you read Manfredi's book, Aristotle takes his finger and strokes Alexander's cheek. I suppose Aristotle might have said, " I like your skin. It is so soft."Do you suppose that Aristotle could have fallen in love with Alexander?Yours sincerely,Jan