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Should Alexander's body be found?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:56 pm
by Vergina Sun
I know that Alexander's body may be the "Holy Grail" to some people. Last night, however, I was wondering what the consequences of finding the body might be. First, there will be the claim of where the body should stay. No doubt, museums from all over the world will want it. There might be trouble with thefts and vandalism, though I hate to think about it. On a more perhaps emotional level, it in a way lessens the great mystery about him. People might make predictions of what he looked like, or any diseases he suffered from. While I can certainly see this as a good thing, it makes me feel as if a bit of Alexander's magic has been revealed. Perhaps there will no longer be that awe-inspiring man. We might figure out what killed him, and then what will become with all those beautiful theories? This of course is just my opinion - nothing more. I understand I must sound like a religious person going on about finding Christ's body, but please humor me. I'm wondering what other, more brilliant minds think. What are the consequences of finding Alexander's body?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:48 pm
by Theseus
Great topic! I have wondered this as well. I think if they did find his body they would do some things like they have on Egyptian mummy's. There was always a debate as to whether King Tut was murdered or died of natural causes and the Egyptian government gave permission to run dna testing and x-rays. I think the same type of thing would be done to Alexander's body to see if he was indeed poisoned or died of a disease.

The historical significance of a find like that would be astronomical!! Scientist would also be able to reconstruct his face if it's not too damaged. I had read somewher that when Augustus went to see Alexander's body that he leaned in to kiss the dead King and broke off part of his nose. :evil: I do hope that his body wasn't in the old part of Alexanderia that is now under water.

I think that finding his body would just add to the interest people have in him. Imagine being able to go to a museum and seeing Alexander the Great?!!!!! Some day I hope to travel to Egypt and see some of their great kings. I am trying hard to think of any consequences of finding Alexander's body. Yes the mystery may be solved of what really happened to him, but being he accomplished more than any other conqueror I don't see people loosing interest in him. At least if they find his body it would be kept safe and treated with the utmost respect and care.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:32 am
by aleksandros
I think we might encounter and and some pagan activity around his body.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:43 pm
by jasonxx
I would say the biggest mystery surrounding Alexander to most is his death. Most else what is wriiten has been disected cross referenced and analysed. Strategy wars battles etc. I would say most ahs been relatively tied up.But the death is a huge riddle many of the logics of Alexander are based on Alexanders death. A lot clarify Alexanders mystery death been relevent to the fact he was battered with wounds alcohol etc etc. Nile fever on and on.

The one thing that will prove a lot wrong and open endlees new studies and books would be to find as I believe he was poisoned. If he was poisoned. The battered body. Accohol abuse etc etc can all be in desrepute.

I am probably the only one that believes Alexander at 32 was in relatively early years compared to his veterans. he was as stron as A lion. I believe he was through with India at that moment as it was a bridge to far for his grand Strategy.

If Alexander died from a mystery illness then for me the moon is made from Cream Cheese.


David Lonsdale.... Grand Strategy

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:57 pm
by jasonxx
Pothos for the second time of reading Lonsdales .. Alexander Killer of Men. It gets my to varfy my opinion Alexander at the Beas was ready to turn back... I wonder If marcus would share the opinion.

I think the book is e very good study of tactics logistics and the overall viewpoint of war and the end game{Grand Startegy}

It became very evident that Alexander up to and Briefly Follwing Gaugamella was very good strong Grand Strategy. Then we wing with India and the East both the stages of war and Alexanders ways changed. From a relatively moderate Conquerer he changed to a pretty nasty hunt and anhialate policy to try fit to a startegy of further Eastern Conquest and as we kow it was only briefly succesful... Once his back was turned his rear was up in revolt. he had to continually back track and rewind.

Its fair to say he could keep conquering and defaeting armies but it was to no avail.What i am saying is the grand strategy was comming un done and maybe Alexander gets the blame for something that basically he coyuldnt really do anything about. How long can a boxer keep felling an oppononent for him to keep getting up and finally for him to put one on his chin. that Is basically what Alexander was doing. Ok he continually beat them in battle etc but they were never really conquered.

How far East could he realistically have kept stretching himself before he came catastrophically un stuck... He could have ony continued if he had relative stabilitry in his rear... He did not and we know he wasnt stupid Im sure he knew it.

Logig And reason and Lonsdale tells me he had to turn back... And with a nice little excuse of a mutiny to save his reputation that;ll do nicely.


Illustrations of the body

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:33 pm
by jan
I have seen some strange illustrations of what is supposed to have been the body of Alexander during the Caesar period, and the illustrations always make the body appear deformed and ugly, so that the very idea of a body being found is more than tantamount to being ridiculous. The mystery of Alexander's body leads to many theories and ideas for fiction that is amusing to me. I have already read of the plot to switch his body for the powerplay that his body meant at that time, so who would ever believe that the nose that Augustus caused to break was really that of Alexander anyway. There were no DNA tests then to prove it.

No, I do not believe that Alexander's actual body will ever be found in any condition to try to reconstruct it at all. I guess posterity will have to rely upon only the busts and statuary that were left behind, but it still seems a shame to me that he had not been cremated anyway...after all Hephaestion received that supreme honor, and why not Alexander? Such a shame! Just so that Cleopatra and Caesar could have Alexander to gaze upon and trip over! I can't believe it yet, but there is a Hollywood movie that does show Alexander's body in a scene with Cleopatra. Amazing. what an influence! :D

Re: Illustrations of the body

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:05 pm
by Vergina Sun
jan wrote: I guess posterity will have to rely upon only the busts and statuary that were left behind, but it still seems a shame to me that he had not been cremated anyway...after all Hephaestion received that supreme honor, and why not Alexander? Such a shame!
My memory fails me. Were there any ancient sources that spoke of whether Alexander wanted to be buried or cremated? I would imagine creamted, as it was a highly common practice during those days. Then again, he had taken to eastern culture, and saw himself as a Pharoah. Did he want to be mummified? I remember hearing that many believed that the city with the body of Alexander would become prosperous. Perhaps his fellow soldiers and generals didn't want to cremate him for that reason?

Good questiion, but

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:42 pm
by jan
I don't recall ever reading whether Alexander wanted a tomb of some kind or not. Why would he not have known where his father was buried? And by the way, where did his mother become interred? But he had a special pyre made for Hephaestion and it just seems logical that that is what he would have wanted for himself too.

But again, once dead, only the survivors determine the fate of the body. There is little doubt that if his armor alone commanded so much attention as is said to have done, his body would have been the Holy Prize of Prizes! So why wasn't it better protected by his successors?

Personally, I think this all adds up to a lot of mystique which in the end is priceless! It is like the everready bunny, just keeps going and going! :roll:

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:11 pm
by Phoebus
Whatever Alexander's desires were regarding his tomb, cremation, etc., they ended up being irrelevant. The Successors argued and fought over his body, and possession of it was almost certainly a mark of succession or rank of sorts--at least initially.

Absolutely it should be found. Aside from the answers we might get about Alexander's physical state and, more importantly, his cause of death, imagine the archaelogical significance of finding his tomb. We have, for example, virtually nothing from the primary sources detailing his life. Can you imagine if, enclosed within his tomb, were copies of his war diaries?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:36 am
by alexkhan2000
I myself have mixed feelings about whether the body/tomb should be found and what it'd mean. It's an interesting thought. As jan posted, I don't think it'll be found either and it'd be fine with me if it's never found. Part of Alexander's appeal is the mystery and the myths that surround him and his legacy. It'd be cool to get to know even more about him, but it just doesn't seem like they'll be able to find anything more. We are left to wonder with what little we have of him.

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 3:43 pm
by Vergina Sun
I know that it is not likely to find Alexander's body, but it is a possibility. Several groups might be out there are looking for his tomb right now. It has become an obsession of sorts, and it's nothing new. What's stopping them from finding it, though? The Earth is only so big, and sooner or later, (despite what others might want) something might be found.

I have seen the face that could possibly be Alexander

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:04 am
by Gooch
I know this post will be laughed at,but believe me a chance discovery was made recently I cant go into detail of the find spot but all I can say at present is that a sarcophagus was found which had a roofed lid , when this was removed the contents of the base was covered in glass, completly intact, this is the part you wont believe inside lay a body of a King which is in such state of preservasion similar to pictures of Stalin , I could not believe that I was possibly looking at the face of Alexander! Writers tell us that the gold sarcophagus was melted down to make coins and that his body was placed in a stone sarcophagus covered with glass. the embalming used on this King is unique to the world there are n other paralels.
I will give you a description of the hair and beard which looks to me to be a wig and false beard similar to depictions of the Archeminid Kings his eyes have been replaced with large semi precious stones and he wears a crown which has many white crystals and red and blue stones he also has a large golden fish with cuniform writing which has been placed on the chest, now you will ask Cuniform? well that is the mystery here but maybe they wanted to disguise the body so as to confuse.
there is much more to this but for now I will leave it at this please ask questions and I apologise that I can not go into to much detail at the mo but you must understand the importance of this discovery.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:25 pm
by derek

You've just joined and have only made the one post, so we haven't had the chance to know anything about you. You could be a raving nutter for all we know, but equally, you could be some Indiana Jones type or whatever, and involved in something quite stupendous.

If true, what you've said is the biggest archaeological event since King Tut's tomb, and a dream come true for most people on this forum. Let's hope you're not a nutter.


Re: Should Alexander's body be found?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:28 pm
by Fiona
Vergina Sun wrote:I know that Alexander's body may be the "Holy Grail" to some people. Last night, however, I was wondering what the consequences of finding the body might be. First, there will be the claim of where the body should stay. No doubt, museums from all over the world will want it. There might be trouble with thefts and vandalism, though I hate to think about it. On a more perhaps emotional level, it in a way lessens the great mystery about him. People might make predictions of what he looked like, or any diseases he suffered from. While I can certainly see this as a good thing, it makes me feel as if a bit of Alexander's magic has been revealed. Perhaps there will no longer be that awe-inspiring man. We might figure out what killed him, and then what will become with all those beautiful theories? This of course is just my opinion - nothing more. I understand I must sound like a religious person going on about finding Christ's body, but please humor me. I'm wondering what other, more brilliant minds think. What are the consequences of finding Alexander's body?
Well, I'm certainly not a more brilliant mind, but I am in two minds – no, three. On the emotional level, I think at first I wouldn't want it to happen. Much as I love history, I think the dead should rest in peace and not be subjected to tests. Alexander more than anyone – it sickens me to think of the indignities his body was subjected to, especially by the Roman visitors.
If Theseus is right, and his body was treated with the utmost respect and care, that might be all right, but I'm not sure it would be. I've just read 'The Alexander Cypher' and am currently reading 'The Venetian Betrayal', and both of those make me wonder just how the modern world would really behave if faced with a find of this consequence.
But then again, Alexanthros mentioned pagan activity, and that makes me wonder if some real worship would start to take place around his body. I think I'd probably be there, taking part. And when Theseus says imagine being able to go to a museum and see Alexander the Great, my heart swells at the thought of it, so even on the emotional level I'm in two minds.
On a practical level, I can't see the knowledge gained being that much. Unless the remains were miraculously well-preserved, any conclusions drawn about his state of health and cause of death would probably be tentative, and the mysteries we have would still remain, only with more threads to the arguments. But Phoebus mentions the possibility of something like war diaries being found, and I think the finding of almost any kind of written material would be so important that it would outweigh any kind of emotional objection.
So I think I'm coming down in favour of a very cautious 'yes' on the question of whether I'd like his body to be found.
I don't think it will be, though. It's not a thing I'm optimistic about. What I really wish is that the body Ptolemy put in Memphis was indeed a substitute, and that privately he had (or Perdiccas had had) Alexander cremated, in the Greek way. Alexander didn't need a grand funeral pyre – in a way, he'd already had one, in Hephaistion's. What he'd have wanted for himself, I think, we can guess from Homer. As he modelled himself on Achilles in life, so he would have done in death, and he would have wanted his bones and Hephaistion's buried together in the same vessel, as Patroclus asked Achilles to do in the scene on the beach.
I hope that Ptolemy, or possibly Perdiccas, did that for them, and that they were quietly interred together in some private place where they have remained undisturbed ever since.

This is a spoiler

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 6:19 pm
by jan
but since you mentioned The Venetian Betrayal, you know that Alexander's tomb is the cause for the plot, and the need to find it. I read the description of the body when found, and am only too happy to realize that Steve Berry is as consistent with the legend of Alexander as he is with the story of Our Lady of Fatima in the book The Third Secret. His Catholic upbringing has caused him to at least confess the difference between the truth he copies, and the lies that he fabricates for his novels. So it is with Alexander and Hephaestion in this novel as everyone knows that Hephaestion was cremated on a pyre in the way that Achilles had been, and so Steve Berry's description of Alexander's body in the tomb is amusing to me.
But Hephaestion's tomb is even more amusing!

Since he has so many inaccuracies I wonder if he is not trying to raise controversy amongst the followers of Alexander as Dan Brown did in his DaVinci Code. I don't think it will work