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Porus, a worthy adversary or not?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:44 pm
by Theseus
The battle against Porus and his men was a hard battle and when it was finally over Alexander was said to admire Porus. From reading what happened in that battle Porus seemed both brave and intelligent to me. The last charge that Porus' men had was with Porus leading them and he fought to the end. He didn't abandon his men, he stayed to face Alexander. In reading about Alexander's battles against Darius and Porus I thought it seemed like ( to me) that Porus earned Alexander's respect. Alexander definately treated Porus well after the battle was over and Porus was said to have stayed loyal to Alexander. I think the battle at Jhelum was Alexander at his best. Do you think Porus was a more worthy adversary to Alexander than Darius?

Certainly do!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:05 pm
by jan
I have read a number of books on Alexander now, and am presently in Peter Green's book along with the Dodge book, and it is interesting to note the differences in author's attitudes. I recall one author whose name I don't remember now who said that Alexander considered the military life one of honor. Each and every soldier who merited it ends up in the Elyssian Fields, as it is an honor to die in war.

So yes, I do believe that Alexander honored both King Darius and King Porus, but most of all, respected and admired King Porus for holding his ground against him. (Now if you see that Indian movie or story that is also in this group, you will see that the Indians believe that King Porus gave Alexander the win and that really it is Roxanne who won the battle for Alexander. So you have to understand the victory is all according to who tells the story.)

But King Alexander did credit King Porus with respect, treated him like a king, and gave to him responsibilites for governing his newly won territory.

(That is the main reason I do not believe that Alexander ever dragged Batis around by the heels. Batis was not a man worthy of that deed.)

Re: Certainly do!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:16 pm
by Paralus
jan wrote:But King Alexander did credit King Porus with respect, treated him like a king, and gave to him responsibilites for governing his newly won territory.
Who better to run a province you're not going to hang around and run yourself?

Taxiles too was respected and given his kingdom. Sans battle won respect of any kind other than the loan of some elephants and soldiers.

Re: Certainly do!

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:19 am
by Theseus
jan wrote:I have read a number of books on Alexander now, and am presently in Peter Green's book along with the Dodge book, and it is interesting to note the differences in author's attitudes. I recall one author whose name I don't remember now who said that Alexander considered the military life one of honor. Each and every soldier who merited it ends up in the Elyssian Fields, as it is an honor to die in war.

So yes, I do believe that Alexander honored both King Darius and King Porus, but most of all, respected and admired King Porus for holding his ground against him. (Now if you see that Indian movie or story that is also in this group, you will see that the Indians believe that King Porus gave Alexander the win and that really it is Roxanne who won the battle for Alexander. So you have to understand the victory is all according to who tells the story.)

But King Alexander did credit King Porus with respect, treated him like a king, and gave to him responsibilites for governing his newly won territory.

(That is the main reason I do not believe that Alexander ever dragged Batis around by the heels. Batis was not a man worthy of that deed.)
I recall the statement you referred to about Alexander thinking it an honor to be in the military. I think it's in more than one book.(not positive)
I do agree that Alexander respected Darius as well especially with how he treated Darius' family and the funeral he had for both Darius and his wife, but just not as much as Porus.
I think maybe Porus was more respected by Alexander by the way he fought and led his men, maybe reminiscent of himself?

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:11 pm
by jasonxx
Alexander Respectful Of Darius.

Personaly I think that a reall biggy from the protagonists of an Alexander Romance. Ok Alexander treated Darius family with Respect and honour. Alexander was in no way stupid For the stabitilty anbd pacification of his new Persian subject I think it serves a better purpose to traet the Royal Women etc with respect.... Whatsthe locals gonna say if he nails the Queen to a tree.

As with Darius If hedcaught him obviuosly for face sakes he would havve had to traet him with respect and honour and maybe leave him in Persepolis or Susa writing or gently passing histime as a focal point for Persian resistance whilst Alexander was pressing east. Which is why I would say Alexander knew he was in for the chop and stratecally thinking was relieved when Besus killed him a rather lucky card for Alexander was darius Dead and killed by a Persian.

With regard to Alexader respecting Darius.... Would Achilles have respected Hector had he ran away? I doubt Alexander had any respect for a guy who contrary to Achillian Warrior code turned and ran twice. Every litlle kindness of peice of respect that Alexander showed was in my opinion propaganda and pacification of the masses.

With regard To Porus. Yea Alexander respected his as much as he nneded a guy to keep an eye on things once hed gone... I argue the battle wasnt as hard as some might say.... Soon as Alexander was across the river in formationPorus game was up. Once he had tp move away from the River to face Alexander Craterus was up his backside.
