Ages of ATG's Companions

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Ages of ATG's Companions

Post by Celeste »

Regarding age difference how many years older than Alexander were Craterus, Cleitus and Ptolemy? Were they aproximately a decade apart? I assuming from my empirical research that Philotas, Hephaistion, Nearchus, and Harpolas were closer in age to Alexander, but the formers were several years apart. Please help so I can ensure accuracy in my historical-fiction manuscript. (Thanks to all for the bibliography of resources! They are thorough and succint, especially E.W. Marsden's "Greek & Roman Artillery", and J.F.C Fulelr's "The Generalship of ATG" (my favorite so far of the modern writers).

Re: Ages of ATG's Companions

Post by Celeste »

Correct spelling: J.F.C fingers refused to operate the keyboard that early in the morning.
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Re: Ages of ATG's Companions

Post by marcus »

Hi Celeste -
Your best resource for this is Waldemar Heckel's 'Marshals of Alexander's Empire'. In that he gives potted biographies of all the main players and where possible gives their dates of birth - if I recall correctly, Ptolemy was born around 367, as was Craterus, making them 8-10 years older than Alexander, while Cleitus was born in the 370s (closer to 380) - he was very much one of the 'older generation'. But check out the book - it's indispensible!
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Re: Ages of ATG's Companions

Post by Alexias »

I did this table a few years ago

Name, Possible age in comparison to Alexander’s birth date, Father , * Possible pupil at Mieza (at least for a time)

Philip II, +26, Amyntas II,
Olympias, +19, Neoptolemus,
Cleopatra, -2, Philip II,
Alexander I, +7, Neoptolemus, *
Amyntas, +6, Perdiccas II, *
Attalus, +34, ?,
Antipater, +44, Iolaus,
Parmenion, +42, Philotas,
Polemon, -6, Andromenes,
Cassander, -2, Antipater, *
Hephaestion, +0, Amyntor, *
Alcetas, +0, Orontes, *
Attalus, +0, Andromenes, *
Peucestas, +2, Alexander, *
Leonnatus, +2, Anteas, *
Perdiccas, +2, Orontes, *
Simmias, +4, Andromenes, *
Ptolemy, +5, Lagos, *
Nearchus, +5, Androtimus, *
Philotas, +6, Parmenion, *
Meleager, +6, Neoptolemus, *
Amyntas, +9, Andromenes,
Harpalus, +10, Machatas,
Coenus, +11, Polemocrates,
Craterus, +15, Alexander,
Cleitus the white, +15,
Laomedon, +15, Larichus,
Cleitus, +20, Dropides,
Lanike, +19, Dropides,
Erigyius, +25, Larichus,
Antigonus, +26, Philip,
Polyperchon, +30, Simmias,
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Re: Ages of ATG's Companions

Post by derek »

This is a useful list. I think it should be argued over and a final version agreed upon, and then it should be added to the main Pothos website for reference. otherwise it will just be overwritten by future posts and lost.

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Re: Ages of ATG's Companions

Post by Alexias »

Thanks, Derek. I haven't had time to have a good look at revising the main site yet, but this is certainly a suggestion, though I think I should revisit Heckel and add their roles to it. The book list also needs updating. Any other suggestions?
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Re: Ages of ATG's Companions

Post by delos13 »

Thank you, Alexias, it is a very helpful list. Out of curiosity, what were your sources? If you end up adding it to the main list, may I suggest to use an alphabetical order for easier search? :)
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Re: Ages of ATG's Companions

Post by Sandros »

Great list. I suspect source is Heckel' s " Marshals" but very interested if there are more of them? (I' m fighting with one family as well- preparing an article)
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Re: Ages of ATG's Companions

Post by Alexias »

Yes it is Heckel's Marshalls of ATG, apart from Olympias and Cleopatra which were guesses.
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