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How Many Persians were in Alexanders Pockets

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 8:47 am
by jasonxx
I know this is even murkier with Alexanders noble reputation. But I wonder just how early and how many Persian Nobles or commanders were in Alexanders pockets.

Up to Issus I would guess the Persian high classes with reason were confident and loyal. Following Issus. Tyre and Sydon I would wager most were a little shaky.

They mast have know Darius was shaky. And some incidents lead me to believe that they were indeed on the turn. Im not particualaly sure where I read it. But wasnt Mazeus told to at some pound hold a river or a pass. somewhere that would benefit athe Persians and somewhat hold Alexander and even stop him. For some reason he abandoned the position. And times later Mazeus was given ample rewards under Alexander.

The Persians for my reasoning made too many so called blunders to assist Alexander. The Persian Gates could have been used better. And why didnt the Persians get the hell out of Babylon like yesterday with All the loot knowing the Macedonians were comming.

Im sure Alexanders fifth column goes deeper than any one would really like to admit and put all his greatness down to pure skill and genius. Alexander in my opinion was not only a military Genius he was as they would say incricket an All rounder.

I think with these aspects and atributies makes a movie even difficult. I mean in todays terms by the time of Gaugamella he was still little more than a youth 25 years old. But the guy was politically accute as Churchill.Strategically aware as an 80 year old veteran and as keep eye on ever part of the ball as Kasparof at chess.

Too many of todays dismisive scholars lable Alexander as a mountainous thug. but I would wager there was more going on in that head and mind and not to be insultive to Aristotle more knowledgable in the game of universalism.

