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Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:33 pm
by Thomas
I have today archived 5874 messages from the forum, everything that is more than one month old. The messages will be made available in the next few days in an archive. They have not been lost. They will be made searchable as a seperate search functionality from the main forum.This should speed up the current forum and make it more reliable, and I would appreciate any feedback either confirming or denying that fact. Also any suggestions for improvements to the site would be welcome on this thread.CheersThomas

Re: Forum...

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:44 pm
by Kate
Hi Thomas,First of all thanks for doing a great job, this is a marvellous site for Alexander fans! I can't think of any improvements, but one question I would like to ask is how do I change my e-mail address without losing my user name? When I tried to change recently to show my new address which is I got a message saying the user name Kate was already taken. Kate is my family nick-name and since I don't like my given name of Gail I would like to keep the Kate one: is this possible?Cheers,Kate

Re: Forum...

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 7:36 pm
by Nicator
Hello Thomas,Seems like our first conversation was just yesterday? Thanks for providing such an excellent meeting place for all of us Alexanderphiles. This site is almost a godsend for me, and can't imagine what I would do without it, or the many fine individuals that I've met here. Is there something that you can do about being timed out so quickly? Most of the time I have to log back in at least once to get a posting to take. Also, lately, when I click on a post I get a blank page, and no matter what I do, I can't seem to open pothos back up? One more thing, it used to automatically log me in when I opened up the page, but now I have to put all information back in from scratch. Just some little things that seem to irritate me, but in the end really don't matter other than wasting time.Yours Nick

Re: Forum...

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 10:01 am
by Nicator
Hello again,After thinking about it, there are a few more things that I'd like to mention...1. When replying to a post it is nice to have the original post displayed, so you can more accurately respond. This used to be the case, but this functionality has been lost.2. It would be nice if you could have a "next page" HTML tag on the bottom right to facilitate going back in time a few pages. I get the feeling that many questions go by without being adequately addressed by other members just because they aren't around long enough. Just some thoughts...Yours Nick

Re: Forum...

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 2:04 pm
by jan
Hello Thomas,Thank you for such a great experience. I do have a suggestion that I hope can be utilized.There is a group called Delphi Forums in which is an Independent Argument group. In this discussion group there is a function called options which makes printing and forwarding e-mail possible. I would suggest that such an options function be available on this website as many times there are messages I would like to forward to my e-mail box.Thanks for asking.Always,Jan

Re: Forum...

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:29 pm
by Thomas
Currently the only way to do it is by emailing me at webmaster[a]pothos.orgMaybe I should concentrate on putting in that functionality!I will make the change for you now.Thomas