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Battle of Chaeronea sources

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2002 4:39 am
by Simon
Today is the day that it occured in 338BCE and looking at the available sources on this battle between the Kingdom and the States there isn't much. What did the others say about it. Great if you could post it.
SimonLXXXVI.[1] The armies deployed1 at dawn, and the king stationed his son Alexander, young in age but noted for his valour and swiftness of action, on one wing, placing beside him his most seasoned generals, while he himself at the head of picked men exercised the command over the other; individual units were stationed where the occasion required.2 [2] On the other side, dividing the line according to nationality, the Athenians assigned one wing to the Boeotians and kept command of the other themselves. Once joined, the battle was hotly contested for a long time and many fell on both sides, so that for a while the struggle permitted hopes of victory to both.[3] Then Alexander, his heart set on showing his father his prowess and yielding to none in will to win, ably seconded by his men, first succeeded in rupturing the solid front of the enemy line and striking down many he
bore heavily on the troops opposite him. [4] As the same success was won by his companions, gaps in the front were constantly opened. Corpses piled up, until finally Alexander forced his way through the line and put his opponents to flight. Then the king also in person advanced, well in front and not conceding credit for the victory even to Alexander; he first forced back the troops stationed before him and then by compelling them to
flee became the man responsible for the victory. [5] More than a thousand Athenians fell in the battle and no less than two thousand were captured.
[6] Likewise, many of the Boeotians were killed and not a few taken prisoners. After the battle Philip raised a trophy of victory, yielded the dead for burial, gave sacrifices to the gods for victory, and rewarded according to their deserts those of his men who had distinguished themselves.1 According to Plut. Camillus 19.5, this was the 9th of Metageitnion, the second month of the Attic year, which began after the summer solstice; so perhaps 4th August, since a new moon was visible at Athens on 27th July.
2 Diodorus's account of the battle is vague, and much is uncertain in the reconstruction of events from scattered and partial references. It seems
certain that Philip, on the Macedonian right, did not engage the Athenians until the Thebans, on the allied right, had been sha

Re: Battle of Chaeronea sources

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2002 10:06 pm
by Nick Christakes
I thought everyone might appreciate this...This is an excerpt from the epoch poem titled "The Last God of Greece" Author Nicholas W. Christakes
COPYRIGHT APPLIED FORThe Battle of Chaeronea (August 4, 338 B.C.)Philip and his Phalanx advanced on the right
To draw the Athenians and force their flight
Alex on the left faced Thebes GÇ£Sacred BandGÇ¥
Paired homosexuals under one command
The great responsibility Philip placed
on Alex to deliver the GÇ£coupe de graceGÇ¥
The Hegemony over Greece was at stake
it was the battle royale winner all take
Philip advanced and the Athenians rushed down
from commanding position to PhilipGÇÖs ground
King Philip and his phalanx in feint withdrew
Epiminondes maneuvre their line skewed
PhilipGÇÖs men faced front never showing their back
and drew AthenGÇÖs men into glorious attack
As the Hoplite pursued Philip and rushed near
PhilipGÇÖs axis turned-his intentions made clear
the time was opportune and Alex attacked
the Theban right with the CompanionGÇÖs backed
In GÇ£The Battle of ChaeroneaGÇ¥ his first war
On ThebesGÇÖ GÇ£Sacred BandGÇ¥ the undefeated core
Alex from the left with his own body hurled
Cut into their right like no force of this world
Father and son acting in concert maintained
a symphony of destruction was ordained
Philip crushed the charge leaving their left battered
led by Demosthenes in full flight scattered
As the Athenian line thinned to fill the gap
made by the pillaging blow of PhilipGÇÖs trap
Alexander in calculated advance
hit the GÇ£Sacred BandGÇ¥ he left nothing to chance
Surrounding the elite core the GÇ£bandGÇ¥ was stuck
Alex and Companions on front and side struck
The Theban infantry fought hard with great spine
But Alex and the CompanionGÇÖs broke their line
The Theban infantry was tactically caught
fighting the Companion cavalry onslaught
Most of Thebes GÇ£Sacred BandGÇ¥ was now dispatched
by a cavalry to infantry mismatch
The heroes died in battle without relent
A hurdle for Alex in royal ascent
The Young Alexander led the great struggle
in reducing the GÇ£Sacred BandGÇ¥ to rubble
Alexander effortlessly forced the rout
of the Theban core in this championship bout
A marble tomb was prepared to mark the place
of the GÇ£Sacred BandGÇ¥ dead still in time and space
His teeth now cut in his first major fight
The mark of a warrior who did not take flight
But destroyed his enemy once in his sightCOPYRIGHT APPLIED FORlater Nicator