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Prayer's for the earthquake victims in Iran

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:27 am
by Nicator
Let's all take a moment of silence for our Persian brothers, sisters, moms, dads, children, and others who have suffered from the recent devastation in Bram, Iran.

Re: Prayer's for the earthquake victims in Iran

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 8:13 am
by nick
Yes, I fully agree. Very thoughtful of you, Nick. After all, we're dealing with Persia / Iran on this site on a daily basis. It struck me as bizarre that Cyrus posted a message about a Persian earthquake a few days before this disaster took place. How odd.Our sympathies are with the peoples of Iran.Best regards -Nick(The place is actually called Bam, not Bram.)

Re: Prayer's for the earthquake victims in Iran

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:07 am
by gb
Fortunately such a major one is rare, but there are many faultlines in the region and earthquakes aren't uncommon.Strange... The Ayatollah Khomeini pointed out that the Shah had neglected to provide his people with safe housing despite the country's enormous wealth in oil. This was after the previous major earthquake, which must have been in the late seventies.Unfortunately he and his successors haven't done anything to give the people of Bam a better chance of survival either.Of course I very much sympathise with the innocent victims. There are app. 30.000 Iranians in my country an as one of them said it is heart-wrenching to see the pictures. Even more so because of the pictures we remember from a recent catastrophy in Turkey. In contrast to Iran we could immediately see large numbers of people, many soldiers, trying to clear the rubble. The Iranian exile I mentioned above also said that there are many, many soldiers stationed only a few hours away near the Pakistani border.

Re: Prayer's for the earthquake victims in Iran

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:04 am
by beausefaless
While you folks are at it don't forget all the other peoples and their families through out the world who have suffered with the dilemma of quakes, their lives have just as much value as those in Iran & Turkey and when terrorist blow up a building it has the same effect and when an army retaliates you have the same thing. So all you people who par take in prayer be prepared to say more for as the population continues to grow this (earthquake) scenario will go on and on!

Re: Prayer's for the earthquake victims in Iran

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 12:07 am
by ruthaki
How can we possibly imagine the terror and anguish these people are going through? I cried when I saw some survivors being interviewed on the TV news last night. Today I read a story of how some singing canaries, buried in their cage, led rescuers to save a couple of children. Miracles do happen. Prayers go out to all of them. It is not a time for ANY country to be dragging their feet when it comes to helping with aid for rescues and victims families.

Re: Prayer's for the earthquake victims in Iran

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 4:22 am
by beausefaless
"It is not a time for ANY country to be dragging their feet when it comes to helping with aid for rescues and victims families". I'm from the United States and our planes were in Iran as soon as we got the OK from the Iranian government and are landing in Iran today with help and supplies!
How can we possibly imagine the terror and anguish these people are going
I can't speak for you or anyone else but for myself I was with army and civilian personal with their limbs detached from their bodies asking why they could not feel their legs and arms, what do you say to these people except help is on the way? Or do you say anything? War is tarderus, a living nightmare for all time! So you go ahead and say your prayers lady and I hope you will never experience the nightmares that haunt me, remember the brave soldiers and civilians that gave their lives so you can continue to travel and write your book without being suppressed. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing so is freedom of thought and prayer.

Re: Prayer's for the earthquake victims in Iran

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 8:37 pm
by dee
What is it exactly that you guys are actually praying for?

Re: Prayer's for the earthquake victims in Iran

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 3:49 pm
by ruthaki
Wars are man-made and can be resolved or prevented.
This was a terrible natural disaster that caught thousands of people unawares resulting in tens of thousands of deaths, people left homeless, children left orphans, whole families-- whole neighbourhoods wiped out. Bam is a historical city, one that was to be protected as a world heritage site. These relics and old historical sites can not be replaced. More so, these people are experiencing untold death and destruction and suffering. If you care at all for the brotherhood of mankind, then you will pray for them -- that they will find solace and relief and somehow be able to rebuild their lives and their city.