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What Became of Parysatis?

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 1:32 am
by Nicator
Hello all,Was she killed in the successor wars or did she just dissappear into the sands of time out of the limelight? Also, what became of Barsine (mistress of Alexander, widow of Memnon, and mother of Hercules)?Nicator

Re: What Became of Parysatis?

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 5:03 am
by susan
Most probably it was Parysatis who was murdered, along with Barsine-Stateira, within days of Alexander's death by Roxane (although I think it was largely at the behest of Perdiccas). The source mentions Barsine-Stateira & her sister ( Drypetis, Hephaestion's widow), but this is probably wrong because:1 - Drypetis was in Susa with Sisygambis her grandmother, and Ochus her brother2 - Parysatis had probably been living in Susa under Sisygambis' care anyway, so they may have been regarded as nearly as close as sisters3 - Parysatis was a legal wife of Alexander, and would probably have been summoned to Babylon anyway.There was no way in which she would have been allowed to survive. The only one of her immediate family that I know survived was Amastris, (Darius' niece), who was hundreds of miles away with Craterus - and he divorced her as soon as he decently could do so.As for Barsine mother of Heracles - I think she was probably murdered at the same time as her son - Cassander & his henchmen were keen on tying up loose ends. (When Roxane & Alexander IV died, their doctor, Hippocrates, was also killed. I imagine the whole household died at the same time). However, there is no reference to Barsine in the histories, so I suppose it is possible that she survived.

Re: What Became of Parysatis?

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 5:59 am
by chris
HiDo you know of any reading material that traces the lives of the main characters in ATGs life, after his death?Regards,Chris

Re: What Became of Parysatis?

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 6:16 am
by susan
For a good overview of what happened to the women, try Beth Carney, Women & Monarchy in Macedonia - which covers Olympias, Cleopatra, Roxane, Brsine etc. For the men, Waldemar Heckel, marshals of Alexander's empire, covers the subject but in biographies of each character, so you don't really get an overview.For the ancient sources, Plutarch covers Eumenes, a and Diodorus Siculus covers the whole period. Diodorus is available online, I'll add the reference later today.Susan

Re: What Became of Parysatis?

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 7:52 am
by chris
Hi SusanTerrific - many thanks.Chris

Re: What Became of Parysatis?

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 6:18 pm
by ruthaki
Barsine (mother of Herakles) was in Pergammon around the time the Successors killed Herakles. She seems to have vanished from sight after that. One of the forum visitors, Scott, is writing a historical fiction book about Memmnon and includes her in it. He likely has more research on her than I have. She's in my novel too, but I am uncertain of when or where she died.

Re: What Became of Parysatis?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 3:15 am
by susan
Diodorus says that Barsine was killed in Macedonia along with her son.Barsine was in Pergamum when Alexander died in 323. Her son went to Macedonia around 309 - (it's not known where they had been in the intervening years, but they probably stayed in Pergamum;) and Barsine probably went with him (Diodorus 20.20.1-2). Polyperchon killed them there at Cassander's urging (Diodorus 20.28.2-4)Susan

Re: What Became of Parysatis?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 12:17 pm
by amyntoros
Justin has a reference to Barsine's death in Book XV. He says:""Afterwards, lest Hercules, the son of Alexander, who had nearly completed his fourteenth year, should be called to the throne of Macedonia through the influence of his father's name, he (Cassander) sent secret orders that he should be put to death, together with his mother Barsine, and that their bodies should be privately buried in the earth lest the murder should be betrayed by a regular funeral. As if, too, he had previously incurred but small guilt, first in the case of the king himself, and afterwards in that of his mother Olympias and her son, he cut of his other son, and his mother Roxane, with similar treachery; as though he could not obtain the throne of Macedonia, to which he aspired, otherwise than by crime."
Linda Ann

Re: What Became of Parysatis?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 10:00 pm
by ruthaki
Thanks for the additional info on Barsine. I wasn't sure if they killed her along with Herkles or not.