The Watchmen

Recommend, or otherwise, books on Alexander (fiction or non-fiction). Promote your novel here!

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The Watchmen

Post by blackajax1 »

Has anyone here ever read "The Watchmen", a
graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave
Gibbons? It's great and I read it every year about
this time, a personal tradition, better than x-mas.
It's not your typical comic book, it's a realistic
take on super heroes, as if Oliver Stone wrote
Justice League of America. Anyway, there's a
character named Ozymandias whose only
power is his peerless intellect. He sees himself
as a modern Alexander...there's a great
passage where he explains his passion for
Alexander. But it's not just about Alexander, the
novel is layered with literary and historical
references--Blake, Shelley, Nixon, Watergate,
Bob Dylan, the American a-bomb project.....well
worth a read
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Re: The Watchmen

Post by Nicator »

Cool! Like Marcus and I's always interesting to find ATG in some wayward book off the beaten path. Sometimes I admit I have actually looked for ATG info in obscure places just because it's there. For instance, in my book on the history of paleontology. He's also mentioned in C. V. Wedgewood's "The Thirty Years War". Early on in the conflict, some Catholic army (i think) routed a bunch of poorly organized protestants. A general said to his fellows..."just like Alexander we conquered"...or something to that effect.later Nicator
Later Nicator

Thus, rain sodden and soaked, under darkness cloaked,
Alexander began, his grand plan, invoked...

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Re: The Watchmen

Post by Kit »

I know what you mean- I am always amused when his name gets thrown into some TV show, or film, song etcI remember a Simpson's episode where Drederick Tatum (don't know if that's how they spell it!?) was compared to 'Alexander of Macedon at Granicus and Issus'!!!You know you've arrived when you get on Homer's show!Kit

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