What if Hephaestion had lived ?

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Re: What if Hephaestion had lived ?

Post by marcus »

Hi Dean,You are quite right, that Hephaistion was never defeated. On the other hand, it was some time before he was given any military commands, so he had fewer opportunities to *be* defeated. Of course, I suppose it's only fair to accept that, having had so little opportunity to prove himself, the fact that he didn't fall at the first fence suggests some ability.My problem is that I'm not a Hephaistion fan, so I find it harder to see his value. It is quite possible that he would have managed to hold the empire together... had he survived - but I reckon Krateros and Eumenes (at least) would have slipped a dagger between his ribs soon after Alexander breathed his last... :-)All the bestMarcus
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Re: What if Hephaestion had lived ?

Post by gahauser »

I agree he would have been the next in line, but- sometimes history has a way of playing out its fate, regardless of the obstacles. Inevitably, it would have gone the same way. I don't think Hephaetion would have been strong enough to withstand the tremendous force that was pushing against Alexander's reign.
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Re: What if Hephaestion had lived ?

Post by Linda »

Imagine Olympias's reaction to Hephaestion having control (however short-lived) of her grandson.I think Hephaestion's fate would have depended on what alliances he could make. Although obviously his selection was limited, as he fell out with everyone. Perdiccas seems a likely ally.Linda
External Wastegate

Re: What if Hephaestion had lived ?

Post by External Wastegate »

I think jhe would have been not long to join alexander. Its known that he was not liked. and I have no doubt that he wuld have inherited the empire. Alexander was so hardout for hephistian wanting big memorials erected in his death and even going so far as to asking the gods weather or not he should be worshiped as a god.
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