New cult of Alexander

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New cult of Alexander

Post by Dino »

A group of Alexander fans from different countries have come together to try to build a new philosophical religion with Alexander as the main god. Does anyone know something?
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Re: New cult of Alexander

Post by Alexias »

Where does the information come from?
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Re: New cult of Alexander

Post by sikander »

Greetings, Dino,

It depends on which you are referring to. Is it a group of fans or hobbyists of Alexander solely, or a group of people who are interested in the historical/cultural aspects?

There may be on-line groups but if you are referring to groups that have a physical presence as well:

One is the Order of Alexander the Great for Art and Science (also includes politics), with bases in the US and in Germany. It's membership and candidates list is... interesting, to say the least. However, they do not worship Alexander as a God per se.

Another is a "secret society", with overtones of mysticism, that was being promoted on Yahoo groups when these still existed; it was based in eastern Europe, with a strong focus on the "unity of man" theme but ironically, also a focus on making a small group of people the "new leaders".

A few, with more of an on-line presence and a few physical groups, are trying to create an imaginary connection to the Ptolemaic cult of Alexander the Great that existed in Egypt, but many of these seem to have militant right-wing undertones and some weekend warrior fantasies.

There are also groups actively reviving "Hellenism", but Alexander is not their focus.

I hope this helps, somewhat. Or, are you speaking of a group creating itself for the specific purpose of worshiping Alexander and studying the ancient philosophies?

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