An Alexander play by Voltaire

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An Alexander play by Voltaire

Post by ruthaki »

I was sent a message by someone on the historical fiction e-group I belong to that they are translating a play about Alexander written by Voltaire. The translator says some of the characters are "Alexander's daughter Olympias", Statira, Antigonous and Cassandros. I'm hoping he made a slip there and meant "mother of Alexander".
Anyway, I wonder if anyone has heard of this play?
It will be interesting to see how the translation turns out as the translator (who has done a lot of this type of work) says it's one of Voltaire's 'better works'. I wondered if it was like one of those restoration dramas which are so quaint and odd and very often melodramatic and historically skewed. Comments?
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Re: An Alexander play by Voltaire

Post by marcus »

Hi Ruth,I'm intrigued, as I'd never heard that Voltaire wrote a play about Alexander. A fairly long search on the web turned nothing up, so your friend had better finish the translation quickly!I've never read any Voltaire, so I won't be able to guess at the quality of the piece... but, if it's anything like other 17th/18th century drama, then it is bound to be poetic, romantic and impenetrable :-)All the bestMarcus
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Re: An Alexander play by Voltaire

Post by jan »

Hi Ruthaki,I have read a play on Alexander by Racine but I know nothing about a play by Voltaire. The play by Racine is about King Porus and very interesting. However, I did not read a translation but the original French version.
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Re: An Alexander play by Voltaire

Post by jan »

Post script: I had another dream about Alexander. Can't believe it. I think I promised myself I wouldn't tell this time as it very pothos, isn't it? I learned that pothos means compulsion. :-)Have a great time reading Racine!
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Re: An Alexander play by Voltaire

Post by ruthaki »

OK, this is hilarious! This is what the translator has to say:
"Yes, I thought the play was about Olympias Alexander's mother.According to Voltaire's version Alexander was poisoned, by Cassander's father. The plot so far is that Cassander persuaded his father not kill Olympias the child of Statira and Alexander. She was brought up unaware of who she was, and Cassandder marries her hoping to thereby become the legitimate heir to all Alexander's Empire. Statira, however, has survived the attempt to murder her and is hiding as a priestess, and required to assist at the ceremony. That's as far as I've gotten. You can see trouble brewing. Antigonus is uspicious of Cassander but isn't sure exactly what's going on. He's asked Cassander to give him the slave-girl; Olympias and Cassander responds by marrying her. All this is taking place at Ephesus fifteen years after the supposed murder of Alexander."I will also add a response to this by someone who has read Volataire.
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Re: An Alexander play by Voltaire

Post by ruthaki »

Here is something about Voltaire's plays from another member of hist/fict.:"I think if you're looking for historical accuracy from Voltaire, you might be looking in the wrong direction. Voltaire was a satirist, primarily concerned with his own time, so the stories he told were angled towards the problems and attitudes of France in the eighteenth century. This was the era that performed Shakespeare in contemporary dress and gave the tragedies happy endings! They were aware of the correct history, or what was available to them at the time, after all, this was an age of a great classical revival, but their aims were a little more than that. And they knew what made good box office."
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Re: An Alexander play by Voltaire

Post by amyntoros »

During a web search I found out that Voltaire's play was turned into an opera by a composer called Spontini. Called "Olympia," it was written in 1819. There is a CD available which has a review on the web and says that the plot concerns the rivals Cassander, Prince of Macedonia, and Antigonus, former General in the service of Alexander the Great, for the hand of Alexander's daughter Olympia. Standing in their way, however, is Statira, Alexander's widow, who demands to know who the true muderer of her husband was before she will consent to any marriage. The remainder of the plot revolves around the accusations and confessions of the principals, and the eventual outing of Alexander's true murderer. The reviewer continues to say that "what could easily have been a cheap, tawdry melodrama is turned by Spontini into a noble expression of hatred, jealousy, deception and redemption."Though the whole premise and the historical inaccuracy amuses me, I have to admit that a performance of this opera might actually get me to go to the Metropolitan or New York City opera house. Unfortunately, its not likely to make either of their schedules. This CD looks like it was taped during a performance in Germany in 1995.

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Re: An Alexander play by Voltaire

Post by ruthaki »

Yes, that is exactly the one that this person is translating. I wonder if it will ever be performed and where? Anyway, when I get more information (such as if he posts it on a website) I will let you know. (Previously this same person translated a play about Sappho. But those old restoration dramas are so skewed and historically incorrect, they almost seem ridiculous.)
Jerry G

Re: An Alexander play by Voltaire

Post by Jerry G »

The play is by Racine but was performed by Voltaire's troupe.
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