New student of Alexander

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New student of Alexander

Post by rick »

I am a relatively "new" student of Alexander the Great, although I have been reading about him, here and there for the past five years. I just recently registered with this forum and have certainly enjoyed reading the postings. As I gain more knowledge, I hope to join in more on the discussions. I'm a retired military officer, who started to become interested in Alexander the Great as I reached retirement. I had the opportunity to see a traveling museum collection on his reign and campaigns a few years back, but unfortunately, I had not developed a more academic interest at that time. Thus a wealth of information went right over my head. But now I hope to make up for lost time. I've been searching for some academic pasttime to keep my mind active, and I believe I have found it. Again, I look forward to reading and eventually participating in the discussions. Nick's comments about the battle with Porus were very interesting. While it's easy to discount the nationalistic essays that are against Alexander, we must also be aware of the possible motives of all writers. Actually, I find it refreshing to see some of the "lesser" qualities of Alexander brought to light, as it tends to reinforce (at least for me), the powerful leadership he must have had to accomplish even half of what he did.
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welcome to the Forum

Post by nick »

Rick, you are welcome to the Forum. We like freedom of speech here, so please feel free to post any thoughts, obeservations, questions...Regards - Nick
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Re: New student of Alexander

Post by marcus »

Hi Rick,Welcome indeed to the forum. If you've been reading about Alexander for five years then I'd say you must have plenty of knowledge, thoughts, ideas and opinions to share with the rest of us.We look forward to your contributions.All the best
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Post by Thomas »

Yes, welcome to the forum. We are a friendly bunch and if you have any (technical) queries drop me a line...Thomas

Re: Welcome

Post by chris »

HiJust a note to welcome a fellow "novice" in the world of Alexander the Great. I too have a limited knowledge of the subject, some 3 or 4 years, but was gripped from the first time I read something of him, his campaigns and how he changed the world, in so many ways. A mystical story almost. It's a great forum, you'll enjoy it.Chris
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