Inexhaustible energy

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Inexhaustible energy

Post by jan »

On page 291 of Child of Dreams, this sentence caught my attention. But Alexander himself was possessed of an awesome strength. ...asif gripped by an uncontrollable fury. The King was animated by an inexhaustible energy-shouting, mowing down the enemy with sword and ax...I wish to comment upon this as I have done in Bucephalus and his shadow. Recently, on Jan. 24, to be exact, I experienced an unusual event while reading my e-mail, and suffering an allergy of some kind, went to Border's book store, where I looked up info on both Julius Caesar and Alexander in the computer at the store. Finding a book on Alexander in the children's department, I perused it, noting the illustrations of Demeter and the prayers offered to her by the Thebes. I have just finished reading Manfredi's interpretation of the attack on Thebes, a very important trial of Alexander's authority. While reading the book, my eyesight becomes cleared and my vision clarified so that I resigned myself and muttered, Oh, o.k., so I am Alexander to myself, leaving the store convinced that reaffirming Alexander always restores my soul and vision so to speak. That very evening, thanks to some news story on Iraq and terrorism, I fell asleep, waking to realize that I had just been in the person of Alexander at the Battle Of Issus, I am inclined to believe from what else happened the following days.At any rate, I drew sketches to this effect, poor as I am in penciling sketches, and tried to sketch my remembrance of what this huge batallion of troops who were surrounding me and bowing their heads in either prayer, recognition, or simply who knows why posture, as I am alone in holding my head up instructing loudly to all within my hearing exactly when, why, and how we are about to make our attack. I harrangued them for some time before I was able to see with my inner vision all the appearances of the attire in which they are dressed, the postures as they are kneeling, and the huge muscular arms and legs of this massive force.I could see that we were on a hillside and that we were looking at the opponents who lay beneath us. My point in all of this is that I realized that which Manfredi is stating here, the enormous amount of vitality and strength that is within Alexander, the kind of power and fury that is indeed contained within this giant of a figure. I was able to determine his appearance from a three quarter angle look at his face, as my astral body soul left his outline of a f
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