Argead Kings of Macedonia

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Argead Kings of Macedonia

Post by Alexias »

The predecessors of Alexander as King of Macedonia

This is based on information in Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, various lists in scholarly books, and information gleaned from Wikipedia. Wikipedia entries should be treated with caution as in some cases they are contradictory. Many of the dates are conjectural.
The family were known as Temenids or Argeads. Family tree on Wikipedia Argead dynasty - Wikipedia ... amily_tree

Caranus Ruled 28 years A Heracleidae, son of Temenus, King of Argos. Temenus was the son of Aristomachus, son of Cleodaeus, son of Hyllus, son of Heracles, son of Zeus

Coenus Ruled 12 years Son of Caranus

Tyrimmas Ruled 28 years Son of Coenus

Perdiccas I Possible son of Tyrimmas, but a descendant of Temenus. Came to Macedonia with brothers Gauanes and Aeropus from Argos

Argaeus I c. 678 BC Son of Perdiccas I

Philip I Son of Argaeus I. Killed in battle against the Illyrians

Aeropus I Son of Philip I, succeeded as an infant and carried before the army against the Illyrians

Alcetas I 576-547 BC Son of Aeropus I

Amyntas I c540-498/7 BC Son of Alcetas I. Married Eurydike. Vassal of Darius I of Persia. Daughter Gygaea married Persian official Bubares

Alexander I c498-454 BC Son of Amyntas I, nicknamed The Philhellene, though subject to Persian satrap Mardonius. Acted as negotiator between the Greeks and Persians after battle of Salamis 480 BC. Children - Alcetas II, Perdiccas II, Philip, Menelaus, Amyntas, Stratonice. Wife - Antigone

Alcetas II c454-448 BC Son of Alexander I. Set up independent sub-kingdom on father’s death. Overcome by Perdiccas II. Allegedly murdered by nephew Archelaus I, son of Perdiccas II

Philip C 454-431 BC Son of Alexander I. Set up independent sub-kingdom on father’s death. Overcome by Perdiccas II. Fled to Thrace with son Amyntas

Perdiccas II c454-413 BC Son of Alexander I. Married Symache who bore him Archelaus I and Aeropus I. Also married Cleopatra, who may have married Archelaus I after Perdiccas’s death

(Perdiccas) Son of Perdiccas II and Cleopatra, believed murdered at age 7 by Archelaus I as legitimate heir

Archelaus I 413-399 BC Son of Perdiccas II. Possibly married step-mother Cleopatra. Ally of Athens. Built Pella, patron of Euripides and Agathon. 2 unnamed daughters, one possibly married to Amyntas II. Murdered by his favourite Crateuas

Crateuas 399 BC Allegedly king for 4 days; executed

Orestes 399-396/5 BC Son of Archelaus I. Murdered by his guardian Aeropus II

Aeropus II 395-394/3 BC Son of Perdiccas II. Died of illness in July/August. Had a son Pausanius. )

Amnytas II 394/3 BC Son of Philip (or Menelaus), son of Alexander I, or possibly son of Archelaus I. Ruled for several months before being assassinated.

Pausanias 394/3-393/2 BC Son of Aeropus II. Assassinated by Amyntas III after about a year’s reign

Argaeus II 393-2 BC Son of Archelaus I, placed on throne by Bardylis, king of the Illyrians. Ousted by Amyntas III with aid of the Aleuadae of Larissa )

Amyntas III 393/2-369 BC Son of Arrhidaeus, son of Amyntas, a son of Alexander I. Briefly driven out by the Illyrians. Restored with aid of the Aleudae of Thessaly; died at an advanced age. Wives Eurydike and Gygaea

383-379 BC Bardylis of Illyria occupies much of Macedonia. Expelled by Amyntas III with aid of Sparta

Alexander II 369-368 BC Son of Amyntas III, murdered aged about 22, at a war dance, possibly by his mother's alleged lover and son-in-law, Ptolemy of Alorus. Alexander II at war with Ptolemy with aid of Thebes who removed Philip II as hostage

Pausanius 367 BC Son of Archelaus I. Defeated with help of Athenian Iphicrates

Ptolemy of Alorus 368-365 BC Regent of Perdiccas III. Possibly son of Amyntas II. Married to Eurynoe, daughter of Amyntas III. Son Proxenus hostage in Thebes. Killed by Perdiccas III with help of Theban Pelopidas.

Perdiccas III 365-359 BC Son of Amyntas III. Ratifies treaty with Thebes and Philip released (365 BC). Philip acts as marshal in north east of kingdom. Killed in battle against the Illyrians, or by his mother

Amyntas IV 359 BC Infant son of Perdiccas III, deposed by Philip II. Executed by Alexander III

Philip II 359-336 BC Son of Amyntas III. Assassinated by favourite Pausanius

Alexander III The Great 336-323 BC Son of Philip II and Olympias. Died in Babylon

Philip III Arrhidaeus 323-317 BC Son of Philip II and Philinna. Murdered by Olympias at Amphipolis
Joint kings
Alexander IV 323-310 BC Posthumous son of Alexander III and Roxane. Murdered by Cassander
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