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Alexander's impact on Jordan

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:50 am
by ian991
We all know that Alexander the Great conquered lot's of places in Jordan! Actually, because of him, Jordan acquired Hellenistic culture. But what are physical evidences of Alexander in this region?

For example, ancient ruins of Jerash, Jordan are very important place, but it is mostly based on Roman influence. What were influnces of Alexander?

I recommend everyone to visit Jerash. It is so beatuful place rich with history.

Re: Alexander's impact on Jordan

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 2:22 pm
by sean_m
Hi Ian,

there are a series of ostraca from Idumaea and Arad with dates from Artaxerxes to Philip Arridaeus, showing that administration continued without major changes from the last Achaemenids to the Argeads. Those sites are on the Israeli side of the border today, but that reflects modern geopolitics.

If you want to learn more and find the original texts, check out Ancient Warfare X.4.

Re: Alexander's impact on Jordan

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 4:58 pm
by sean_m
Also, later on in Hellenistic times you get the Nabatean settlement at Humayma ... that is the site in Jordan which I know best. I do not know much from the 3rd or 2nd century BCE sorry!