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Alexander Movie?

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 2:51 pm
by jorgios
Over the months we have all heard many rumours about the next Alexander movies and how popular they might be. But the problem is I myself have run into dozens and dozens of rumours, supposed acotrs and directors multiple films and cable mini- series' but does anyone yet know one thing for sure? Im sure im not the only one excited to see such a film, but could someone fill me in on whats going on, if anyone even knows?Regards.

Re: Alexander Movie?

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 2:16 pm
by Thalestris
Greetings! As of the present the director of the movie "Moulan Rouge" (I keep forgetting his name)is planning production, and has received financial blessing (and a Moroccan army as well for the military cast)from the King of Morocco. The star of the movie is (unless recently eliminated from the cast) Colin Farrell. All the other producers are reconsidering the vast endeavor. Hope this helped!

Re: Alexander Movie?

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2002 11:26 am
by AlexanderWar
The Moulin Rouge directors name is Baz Luhrman who also directed Romeo & Juliet starring Leonardo Dicaprio. His Alexander movie will star Dicaprio with a budget of over 120 million. Morocco will help with 5 thousand of their soldiers and 1 thousand horses for battle scenes. Since Luhrman already has financial backing his Alexander will probably beat out Oliver Stone's Alexander, he wants Collin Farrell to star. Go to they have website with all info you want.

Re: Alexander Movie?

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2002 2:21 pm
by T-Alex
I heard that Alexander was to be played by [shudder!] Leonardo di Caprio, who could probably play one of his SWORDS! A kid like Heath Ledger who has some heroic resemblance might be fine, or some unknown from the U.K. or Australia, perhaps even a Greek actor, but no American actor fills the bill. If you studied Alexander since you were 16 (I'm 64) you can understand my disappointment. And by Martin Scorcese of all directors. I think Heath turned it down.

Re: Alexander Movie?

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2002 7:28 pm
by zandros
Heath (whom I personally think could have done a great job) dropped out of the Oliver Stone version. I've heard conflicting reports as to why, but considering Stone's penchant for meddling and his over-sized ego, I think Heath thought twice about it and decided six months of this wasn't worth it. I've also heard a rumor (ET magazine) that Leo might not do the Baz film, and that Baz is considering, among others, Josh Hartnett!

Re: Alexander Movie?

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 11:27 pm
by luc
No one knows. In the end we will see about 4 different Alexander movies, all with strikingly different scrips, all with strikingly different Alexander wanna-bees. Josh Hartnett (sp??) is not a good actor. Leonardo Dicaprio still doesn't know what he wants; Heath Ledger...would have not been a good Alexander, I just don't think he fits. So far, I think the best is still Colin Farell...but you know what? I'd go with an unknown...but what do we know right? we're just the people who will go see all of them..regardless of who plays Alexander, and then bi$$$ about the movies. :0)

Re: Alexander Movie?

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2002 11:21 am
by marcus
You are, of course, correct (at least as far as I'm concerned). Any film that gets made I will go to see.At least one thing is clear: the battle scenes etc. are likely to be incredible! After what they did with Gladiator and The Fellowship of the Ring (and having seen a hint of the battle scenes in The Two Towers), heck, even Saving Private Ryan... I can't wait to see a cinematic version of the Battle of Issus!All the bestMarcus

Re: Alexander Movie?

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 6:20 pm
by zandros
I really can't see Colin Farrell at all; I imagine Alexander as a blonde fair-skinned guy! But you are right in this respect: I do want to see how Alexander's life will be portrayed on screen. I wish Scorsese would still do a film. I have little faith in Oliver Stone, who has his own political agenda, and I can only judge Baz Luhrman on his musicals! Time will tell, tho I suppose no matter what, there will always be those for whom the film could never equal the reality.

Re: Alexander Movie?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 3:12 pm
by luc
All I can say about Baz Lurhman is that unlike the other directors mentioned, he isn't afraid of showing the real side of things. Baz is most likely not going to hide Hephaistion in the background and pass him around as just a "friend". Plus Baz has a good side for interpreting stories, we might get the only good "story" from him, rather then the other guys. However, he's weak when it comes to battles. Honestly if I were to pick a director it would be Spillberg.What pisses me off about directors is that many of them do not have the balls to do something right. Alexander's story has got to be told to the fullest. And I wouldn't mind a good side of international actors either, from India and so forth, they have some great actors in that area. Needless to say I both envy and dread them making a movie on Alexander, he and everything he did is incredibly complex. I think they should just hand it to us :0)

Re: Alexander Movie?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 8:19 pm
by pandora7
Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the few actors of the right age with the charisma and screen presence to portray Alexander. He's also not a skinny young kid anymore which is quite clear from recent photos and clips from his upcoming film Gangs of New York. On the contrary, he's a man and a very well built man at that. An even better reason than those for casting DiCaprio ... he's a fine actor. I'm extremely excited about the prospects of seeing him as Alexander. He was Scorsese's only choice and undoubtedly Luhrmann's preference as well. I say bring it on!

Re: Alexander Movie?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 10:54 pm
by luc
Well, the one thing I'll say is that he did incredibly well in The Man in the Iron Mask, portraying two strikingly different people. But I don't think he has the look.

Re: Alexander Movie?

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 7:51 am
by Ruxpin
I've just finsihed studying Alexander The Great at college. I don't think that Leonardo Di Caprio fits the part of a military genius.

Re: Alexander Movie?

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 7:55 am
by Ruxpin
Granicus would also be a good battle to see :)

Re: Alexander Movie?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 12:52 pm
by aidala
I agree. Hey, fellas, let's lighten up! DiCaprio is
a trained actor. He was a boyish wisp in Titanic
only because that was what the role called for. If
"Alexander" requires him to be a golden
warrior-god, then he can probably remake
himself as that, too. I've seen him project brash
authority. As for Scorsese, the man is a history
buff. After touring the Justinian mosaics at
Ravenna, he called Gore Vidal to see about a
script about the emperor and Theodora. He
also restored the dilapidated print of "El Cid".SOME good things have to come out of a new
"Alexander" movie. Even the maligned 1956
movie left behind a great musical soundtrack.
Let's give Hollywood a chance.

movie about Bucephalous ?

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 4:55 pm
by Cowboy Philosopher
Hey, I-¦m adapting Kafka-¦s short story about Alexander the Great-¦s horse. It-¦s about Alexander
himself, only told through the eyes of Bucephalus.
Cool eh ?