pothos - the next generation site...

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pothos - the next generation site...

Post by Thomas »

Fellow pothos'ites. I have returned from a long silence to start thinking about a revamp of the site. You will have noticed the (rather intrusive) amazon logos through which I hope to generate enough money to cover the hosting costs.
The new site is in development, and you can see it at http://www.pothos.org/atg/index.php . I have created a new forum there for comments and suggestions about the new site. You'll need to register to use it, but hopefully that all will be relatively easy to do.
Please don't comment here! Try out the new look and let me know in *that* forum what you think.
The new site will be hugely more powerful than this one, and I will not need to maintain the code. At the moment, the content of pothos is not there, but once I work out how to do it, it will come...
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Re: pothos - the next generation site...

Post by beausefaless »

I will comment here as I commented there.
Your new web site really SUCKS! You remind me when I go to my favorite grocery store for years because I know where everything is located and then one day I walk into the store and nothing is in its right place because some administrated idiot played musical chairs with all the groceries figuring they would all sell better. Excuse me while I BARF!!!

Re: pothos - the next generation site...

Post by Kuringlas »

I tend to agreed... The New website does not look as good. My view is u need earthy colours like wheat/soft cream... with abit of Scarlet, and yellow... or Royal Blue...
Its a website on ATG, not online shopping...sorry to be so harsh...

Re: pothos - the next generation site...

Post by Jay »

I think the term "SUCKS" is a bit harsh, bit I am in agreement that the current forum is much better. I was not the least bit comfortable at the proposed site.Is this pretty much a done deal or can your users vote on whether or not they want to make the move?Jay
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Re: pothos - the next generation site...

Post by nick »

Andy, please. Thomas has created pothos.org in his spare time and pays for all the expenses to keep it running - from his own pocket. Your comments are way over the edge. Thomas does not deserve this. Probably too many visitors of pothos.org just take the site for granted. But pothos.org is not a commercial site and everyone is able to use the Forum just because Thomas is willing to pay for it. We owe him.Actually, I suppose that the site is fine as it is now and could last for another one or two years, but I agree with Thomas that we have to upgrade to new technology (php e.g.) stay top of the bill.I would remind you that this is pothos.org Mark III (as I recall) and that Thomas is now working on Mark IV is just something that has to be done. Pothos Mark I was a hard-coded site: you wouldn't believe your eyes if were able you to see it now. Pothos Mark II was a flourishing interactive site, but it could be hacked and we had no facilities to edit articles & such. So up to now every upgrade has been a real improvement.I would say: go ahead with Mark IV, but please maintain the feeling of the present site. It is not for nothing that "we are famous" as a favorite link on the BBC's pages.Best regards -Nick
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Give me a break! pothos - the next generation site...

Post by Thomas »

Thanks Nick - sad to see comments such as that and nice to know that there are people out there who "understand". This site runs on old technology that it creaking. I am amazed that the forum still works. You should see what is holding it up!Now, maybe I was not clear. The new site is completely generic at the moment! I have done NOTHING to configure it for pothos other than add a couple of messages. The aim WILL be to mimic the look and feel of this site, but that will take time.Note that I have NOT asked anyone to cut over to it, and have shown you a link to it to get some dicussion over how you think it should go. The new site will be much more powerful, with the ability to have discussions about each article etc. Also, it will be able ot support multiple polls.But one thing is certain. At some point when most people seem happy, we will ALL move to the new site. It may be in a year but it will happen!I would like some sensible comments from people I have come to regard as friends rather than a shameful "this sucks" from someone who seems to neither undertand what I am doing here nor care about my feelings! I think that 'beausefaless' should make some sort of donation (the paypal link is there beausefaless) by way of apology. Anyone agree?
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Re: pothos - the next generation site...

Post by Thomas »

beausefaless - did you read what the home page says? This is VERY early development and I am asking for ideas for the future, not telling you we will cut over right away. It is green for goodness sake!
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Re: pothos - the next generation site...

Post by marcus »

Hi Nick,I haven't looked at the new design, apart from a very brief look at the home page. I do agree with your censure of Andrew although, as yet, I have no views myself.The best way we can give Thomas decent criticism (whether we like what he's done or not) is to give specific examples of what we do or don't like - just saying "it sucks" isn't very constructive. (I've been involved in a few website developments and it's very unhelpful to make general comments.)I would say, from my brief look, that one of the things that I like about this version is the striking colour - and therefore I do agree that the look of the new version is somewhat drab in comparison. But I shall hold off making other comments until I've looked at the design properly.I'll also then give feedback where Thomas asked for us to give feedback! :-)Marcus
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Re: pothos - the next generation site...

Post by Thomas »

Yes, it is EARLY days - the thing is generic and has been there for less than 24 hours. The colours will, of course, be orange and blue.There will be many weeks/months of tweaking, development (and discussion in the one board on the site) before we move over.
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Re: pothos - the next generation site...

Post by Thomas »

Jay, the idea is to get opinion about what to do with a new site in the new site's forum.This is so early in the development phase I am hopeful that pothosites will be able to greatly influence how it looks, feels and what it can do.But I will only discuss it in the new forum. That is the future.
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webmaster stop your whining!

Post by beausefaless »

Marcus, and webmaster,
It's good to hear you limeys sticking together. If your going to dish it out you should learn how to take it, especially Nick W. (nickw) who loves to turn on a fellow member that defends Alexander from slander since ATG is not here to defend himself from Persian innuendoes!Greetings Tommy, (did I just call you a private in the British army)Thirty six going on six, oops, that's right I'm supposed be nice cause your the big kahuna. But with all due respect to your beautiful offspring, we all have problems so let's leave your lovely children out of this subject, this is between you and me.
Your selling out to a common format. It's too bad you can't refurbish this web site because it's unique but if it's any consolation for yous (and your censors) you might want to seriously consider banning me from your fabulous forum for there are plenty of your pundits that would love to see me go, just think of me as one of those crazy bigoted modern day neo-Nazis that slips in a post on ya every once in a while and then you should have no problem pushing the button with my name on it.
I'll be sorry to see this web site go, It's one of a kind, but that's what happens when greed festers like a bad infection with no antibiotics to stop the spread.
There's a few people that think of you as a deity and I'm not one of them. But I do thank you for this soon to be doomed web site it was a great and easy way to express and expand the thought of ATG. Have a good one and the best of luck.
I almost forgot, clear enough? Regards, (freedom of speech and thought )
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Re: webmaster stop your whining!

Post by yiannis »

Hey Andrew, that's BS!
You, me and everyone else here, are guests to this forum which is up because someone takes the time and trouble (and money) to keep it up!
So, since you're a guest you might as well have some manners towards your host. It's just being polite...
Moreover, no-one has to ban you or anything. If you don't like it here, you can leave (and close the door behind you).Take care,
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Re: webmaster stop your whining!

Post by ruthaki »

Those comments of Andrews were uncalled for and rude. Anyone who takes on the responsibility of being a web master, and has been successful such as this site, deserves credit and applause. If you want to critique, Andrew, try to be objective and positive. And no, I'm not a "Limey", I'm a Canadian who happens to appreciate this site very, very much. Thanks to Thomas and the great people who post here. Ruthaki
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Re: webmaster stop your whining!

Post by beausefaless »

I did not address you and I did not call you a limey or even a canook. I know you're from Canada and you are correct to say try to be objective in a positive way. Thank you for the good advice. Andrew
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Re: webmaster stop your whining!

Post by beausefaless »

I disagree, it's a free forum, we do owe Thomas gratitude but where he wants to take this forum is too average or even substandard level. He does have the right to do so and he deserves credit for asking the forum for suggestions. I don't think I have agreed with you on any message thread in this forum and this post is no different. I apologize for infringing on your privacy on March 15, 2004, I took it upon myself to send you copies of 1906 & 7 plates without asking your permission, I was wrong and I hope someday you'll forgive ignorance, that type of stupidity will never happen again. I'm sorry for creating such anger. I wish you the best in all of your endeavors.

Take care, Andrew
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