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Re: Richard Burton TOO old

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:41 pm
by kenny
Jan the Burton Speaches are plenty full.Even the Wedding of Philip.Look at Him Macedonians Here we have a man preparing to cross from Europe To Asia. Yet cant Cross from one couch to another.At that point the Burton Alexander is totally strong and even tries to thrust his sword at Philip.Thats the Alexander I see. Not the farrel tearful victim been bullied by Attalus and Philip.Another Speach from Euridice. I see an old man a young girl and an ambitios general called Attalus.The movie is packed with these gems. The voice and authority were great.A final one.I hear you wait to hear who is to be your King It is Macedonian law by Force Of arms.He stands On the Rock and relays you are gathered on the Plains of Actium by my father Philip to be lead on the greatest conquest any army befor has Ever achieved.The Conquest and distruction of the Persian Empire> Nothing has changed but The name of the king. Nothing has changed but The name of the king. Nothing has changed but The name of the king.Then the Roar Of ALEXANDER ALEXANDER.Nothing in the Stone movies even the battle scenes match those orations for me they were back of the neck stuff.Kenny

Re: Richard Burton TOO old

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:41 pm
by kenny
Jan the Burton Speaches are plenty full.Even the Wedding of Philip.Look at Him Macedonians Here we have a man preparing to cross from Europe To Asia. Yet cant Cross from one couch to another.At that point the Burton Alexander is totally strong and even tries to thrust his sword at Philip.Thats the Alexander I see. Not the farrel tearful victim been bullied by Attalus and Philip.Another Speach from Euridice. I see an old man a young girl and an ambitios general called Attalus.The movie is packed with these gems. The voice and authority were great.A final one.I hear you wait to hear who is to be your King It is Macedonian law by Force Of arms.He stands On the Rock and relays you are gathered on the Plains of Actium by my father Philip to be lead on the greatest conquest any army befor has Ever achieved.The Conquest and distruction of the Persian Empire> Nothing has changed but The name of the king. Nothing has changed but The name of the king. Nothing has changed but The name of the king.Then the Roar Of ALEXANDER ALEXANDER.Nothing in the Stone movies even the battle scenes match those orations for me they were back of the neck stuff.Kenny

Re: Richard Burton TOO old

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:57 pm
by Nicator
It's been years since I saw that film, but wanted to waste a post on the '63 Cleopatra film. Liz Taylor and Dick Burton stand in front of Alxander's sarcophagus and chat romantically in a brilliantly filmed set that almost overpowers the senses by its opulence. later Nicator

Re: Richard Burton TOO old

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:57 pm
by Nicator
It's been years since I saw that film, but wanted to waste a post on the '63 Cleopatra film. Liz Taylor and Dick Burton stand in front of Alxander's sarcophagus and chat romantically in a brilliantly filmed set that almost overpowers the senses by its opulence. later Nicator

Re: Richard Burton TOO old

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 4:27 pm
by kenny
Nick Dead on with that one.If you notice the sarcophacus is made from glass.It becomes clear in that movie I dont know how correct. That Cleopatra was trying to create the Glory days of Alexander using Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony. She was the last in the Ptolemic line.Over in the uk we have an Expensive series on BBC2 called Rome. The series has got to Egypt and the Roman soldiers have made reference to Alexander.These 2 soldiers saved Cleopatra from assasins and a Roman soldier says we gotta respect her because her ancestors rode with Alexander.No sign of the Sarcophacus nor any reference from Julius Caessar who I am sure once he got to Alexandria would have directly visited the body of Alexander.Was it there that Caesar wept. Because he was only in the middle of conquest by the age of forty and Alexander was dead long before.Kenny

Re: Richard Burton TOO old

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 4:27 pm
by kenny
Nick Dead on with that one.If you notice the sarcophacus is made from glass.It becomes clear in that movie I dont know how correct. That Cleopatra was trying to create the Glory days of Alexander using Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony. She was the last in the Ptolemic line.Over in the uk we have an Expensive series on BBC2 called Rome. The series has got to Egypt and the Roman soldiers have made reference to Alexander.These 2 soldiers saved Cleopatra from assasins and a Roman soldier says we gotta respect her because her ancestors rode with Alexander.No sign of the Sarcophacus nor any reference from Julius Caessar who I am sure once he got to Alexandria would have directly visited the body of Alexander.Was it there that Caesar wept. Because he was only in the middle of conquest by the age of forty and Alexander was dead long before.Kenny

Re: Richard Burton TOO old

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 4:45 pm
by jan
Well, now that you brought all that up, let me tell you something even funnier about Liz Taylor...very long story, maybe too long to tell. But anyway, once someone in Florida was teasing and called me Liz...that is a preamble to this. So when I had my first encounter with trying to find Alexander through hypnosis, one of the things that I saw was his kissing four different women in four different episodes! I figured that meant that he had had four wives. I was naive and dumb then. So what the upshot is that on t.v. then, what do I see, but Liz Taylor in a kissing scene with maybe Richard Burton or whoever...I don't know for sure...but I have never forgotten that! You only reminded me of it. Strange coincidences, huh? And no, I look nothing like Liz! She has violet eyes, I have green, and she has ivory skin, and I have freckles! She knows who I am though,I am confident, as she made the statement that wished she had red hair and freckles when in a play with Carol Burnett! It all is a bit of a joke! But I loved the idea of her and Burton standing in front of a glass sarcophagus! Of Alexander! Wow! I do remember that too.

Re: Richard Burton TOO old

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 4:45 pm
by jan
Well, now that you brought all that up, let me tell you something even funnier about Liz Taylor...very long story, maybe too long to tell. But anyway, once someone in Florida was teasing and called me Liz...that is a preamble to this. So when I had my first encounter with trying to find Alexander through hypnosis, one of the things that I saw was his kissing four different women in four different episodes! I figured that meant that he had had four wives. I was naive and dumb then. So what the upshot is that on t.v. then, what do I see, but Liz Taylor in a kissing scene with maybe Richard Burton or whoever...I don't know for sure...but I have never forgotten that! You only reminded me of it. Strange coincidences, huh? And no, I look nothing like Liz! She has violet eyes, I have green, and she has ivory skin, and I have freckles! She knows who I am though,I am confident, as she made the statement that wished she had red hair and freckles when in a play with Carol Burnett! It all is a bit of a joke! But I loved the idea of her and Burton standing in front of a glass sarcophagus! Of Alexander! Wow! I do remember that too.

Re: Richard Burton TOO old

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:38 am
by Gary
With respect Ruth, while Stone's "Alexander" is a fascinating and compelling movie (I intend to acquire a DVD and watch it many times, as per Wood's "Footsteps"), I found Farrell rather wooden and weakly acted, as if he was reading the script in a radio play. For me he failed dismally to portray the enterprise and vigour and (a too-modern word) charisma of our man. Burton, on the other hand, whatever the failings of the movie, and I must admit I have seen only snippets, came much closer to capturing the grand ideas and drive and pothos of Alexander.Gary

Re: Richard Burton TOO old

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:38 am
by Gary
With respect Ruth, while Stone's "Alexander" is a fascinating and compelling movie (I intend to acquire a DVD and watch it many times, as per Wood's "Footsteps"), I found Farrell rather wooden and weakly acted, as if he was reading the script in a radio play. For me he failed dismally to portray the enterprise and vigour and (a too-modern word) charisma of our man. Burton, on the other hand, whatever the failings of the movie, and I must admit I have seen only snippets, came much closer to capturing the grand ideas and drive and pothos of Alexander.Gary

Re: Richard Burton TOO old

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:12 am
by typhoeus
What is the actual name of this movie by Burton? Is it titled simply Alexander the Great? I have a personal coppy of the latest movie which is a little worn out from replaaying - but I'd love to get a hold of this Burton movie - it sounds like there might be some valuable material in this movie.

Re: Richard Burton TOO old

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:12 am
by typhoeus
What is the actual name of this movie by Burton? Is it titled simply Alexander the Great? I have a personal coppy of the latest movie which is a little worn out from replaaying - but I'd love to get a hold of this Burton movie - it sounds like there might be some valuable material in this movie.

Re: Richard Burton TOO old

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 5:47 pm
by kenny
Its Called Simply Alexander the Great.It has many faults and alterations with the story but I still prefer Burton.And to br honest the Statues in the Burton movie were better than those Chalky looking ones in the stone movie.kenny

Re: Richard Burton TOO old

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 5:47 pm
by kenny
Its Called Simply Alexander the Great.It has many faults and alterations with the story but I still prefer Burton.And to br honest the Statues in the Burton movie were better than those Chalky looking ones in the stone movie.kenny

Re: Richard Burton TOO old

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 6:30 pm
by Nicator
"No sign of the Sarcophacus nor any reference from Julius Caessar who I am sure once he got to Alexandria would have directly visited the body of Alexander.Was it there that Caesar wept. Because he was only in the middle of conquest by the age of forty and Alexander was dead long before."I have a pic that I downloaded from the internet somewhere showing Caesar standing over Alexander's body in reverence. This would be a scene that I'd love to see done in a play or movie concerning Caesar, or perhaps life-size marbles of the scene. Picture each man's face, in stone, one looking upon the other in admiration and veneration for all eternity. I think it was in Spain, when Caesar was a young man, that he made the comment:"By this age, Alexander had already conquered the world, whereas I am but just a soldier"...later Nicator