Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

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Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by karen »

Okay, here we go. I hope this doesn't cause everyone too much agony.For Hephaistion auditions there were two scenes, first this one. Imagine Jared Leto and Colin Farrell all done up as you know who and you know who...L&P,
-----Hephaistion is struck once more by Alexander's almost heart-breaking belief in myth.H: -- Will it ever be enough, Alexander? Even if you found the 'End of the World,' how would you turn back?A (acknowledging) : I'd weep if there were no more worlds to conquer. (looks warmly at Hephaistion) Our fates are intertwined. They always were, Hephaistion, you know that. (Hephaistion nods, then) -- I've missed you...H: -- And I you... but for the boy--A: I know. But now I am the older one.H: (sad) -- You still hold your head cocked, you know, like that...A: (insisting) I stopped that. (he hasn't)H: No -- like a deer, listening in the wind. You still have that look. You strike me still, Alexander. You have eyes like no other... (embarrassed) I sound stupid, like a schoolboy -- but you are everything I care for.He approaches Alexander tentatively, and with his permission, draws him into an embrace.H: ...and, by Aphrodite, I'm so jealous of losing you to this 'world' you want so badly.A: You'll never lose me, Hephaistion. You'll always be my Patroclus.
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Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 2

Post by karen »

And here's the second. Happens sometime after A has killed Kleitos.L&P,
Karen-----A: -- Have I become arrogant, Hephaistion?H: (gently) ...Sometimes to expect the best of everyone *is* arrogance, Alexander.A: Then Cleitus spoke true -- I am become a tyrant.H: No, but perhaps a stranger -- they don't understand you any more.A: (nauseous) I've *failed*...!H: No, you're human -- (it rests) -- and they know it, Alexander, and they forgive you.But Alexander continues to writhe in his private agony.A: ...I saw myself that night.H: How so?A: (pause) I saw my father... It wasn't Zeus, it was *me*... (then) ...it wasn't drink that made me kill Cleitus -- (pause) -- it was because *I wanted to*.It bewilders him, and he throws his arm over his eyes. Distant sounds of the past begin seeping up.A: (muttering) We were close, so close, Hephaistion.H: ...there'll be other dreams.A: ...not like this... (remembering) Time is a delicate robber, is she not? When we least expect her?H: ...you outdid Achilles.A: (weary) -- and then? (pause) Ours is a myth only the young believe.H: -- But how beautiful a myth it was!A: (muttered) -- We reach, we fall...H: (proudly) ...They all did, Alexander -- Herakles, Prometheus -- and Achilles, in whose company you now stand and shine!Alexander's eyes brim with tears.A: (repeats, convinced) -- We reach, we fall...
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Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by marcus »

Thanks, Karen.Problem is: (a) I still don't know who Jared Leto is, and (b) I can't get rid of the mental image of Farrell as Bullseye from Daredevil...:-)MarcusPS: But if that's the script, then heaven help us! The writer must do a lot of Mills and Boon.
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Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by Sandra »

Marcus- take a look here: http://movies.yahoo.com/shop?d=hc&id=18 ... mm&intl=us
There is smth about this guy Jared Leto. Maybe this will help?
Thanks, Karen! You have did a great job!:)

Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by susa »

Hi MarcusI think he is prettier than Kyle Minogue and Angelina Jolie.But i think he'd do better as a Persian grown-up eunuch than as a Macedonian general.....Anyway.susa
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Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by Linda »

Right, that's it. I have had enough. I long for the days when Alexander was a heterosexual, stiff-upper lipped chap, who conquered the barbarian because, dammit, that was what a chap *did*. Cool under pressure, odd flash of temper, no funny business, and cold baths before bedtime. Better than one more Achilles Patroclus scene... But thanks for posting that, Karen. Very illuminating, athough how much of it makes it to the screen is another thing...

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Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by marcus »

Well, Susa, I can hardly agree that he's prettier than Kylie or Angelina - I actually thought he looked rather spaced out, and I've now seen at least a couple of pictures that suggest he needs to get himself a decent haircut.Anyway, if that's what they want Heph to look like, that's up to them... I'm past caring...All the bestMarcus
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Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by John. »

How can... Just kidding. I'm not going anywhere near this thread. Why should I get my feathers ruffled, and ruin a perfectly good day?John
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Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by davej »

Oh my god, I hope this is a joke. That looks like a school play, trying to squeeze in as manly cliches in to one scene.I firmly beleive my fellow Australian Baz will have done a much better job. I had hopes for Stone's movie too, but alas I think it will be a pile of crap, if that is what he has turned out. Lane Fox should be ashamed of any involvement he has had with this effort.Then again some historian sdon't seem to care what happens to their work, have you seen some of the crap Cartledge has been involved with, The Crucible of Civilisation for example. Go BAz Go! I have no more hope for Stone's movie. Straight to Video/DVD I think for this one.
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Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by gahauser »

Thanks Karen for taking the time and effort to do that. I must be a dork, 'cause I liked it!!! Hee hee!!

Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by John. »

OK I couldn't resist. I took a peek at the scene 1 thing posted by Karen, and saw something about Hephaistion or Alexander asking permission to embrace the other. I'll be damned. I didn't realize Stone was making a comedy.Seriously, though, I only took a peek, and didn't read the whole scene 1 post. So I won't have an epilectic fit or anything. !!! What did I expect of Stone. I know worse is coming from Baz, of course, who will be feverishly working on his gay agenda.Happy trails,John
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Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by anamarija »

gahauser you aren't the only one!I like it!Nicole

Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by Kal »

Hi, thanks for posting that! Where did you get it?I don't think we need fear that the scene will make it into the movie as-is...most audition scenes tend not to, and scripts are often revised right up to the shooting.As for Leto, I have met him on numerous occasions and he has an intensity and strength that does not always come across in still photographs. I think he'll do a fine job with the role and I can see him quite easily being that anchor to Alexander/Farrell's *pothos*... he isn't as tall as Hephaistion might've been, but that's kind of superficial.Just my 2 dinars. :-)
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Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by jan »

This was so much fun. I really enjoyed reading all these posts. LO!My real objection to these movies is in cramming 30 years of Alexander's life into two or three hours. Why can't they do a great serial production and make it credibly interesting?As for the actors in Stone's movies, I don't think that either will be more than pretty faces. So far I haven't seen a decent movie made by Stone, and I don't think this will be any exception.But I happened to see what I believe to be a bust of Alexander in Queen and Country. Sorry I have forgotten the name of the chap who is being interviewed, some friend of the Queen. But it was a great bust, and I suspect that it was Alexander.It proves that there is some respect yet for the great ATG.

Re: Hephaistion excerpt from Stone script -- scene 1

Post by Kal »

I hesitate to comment on the films until I've seen a complete *shooting* script. Farrell has proven himself a pretty good actor, IMO, and I know at least Leto is passionate about the role. They are doing copious amounts of research and training to prepare for the part. I think they will be more than "pretty faces."My 2 dinars worth. ;-)
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