New views of the Amphipolis tomb

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Pezhetairos (foot soldier)
Posts: 245
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New views of the Amphipolis tomb

Post by gepd »

Recently, the known Amphipolis monument was opened up to restricted groups, including journalists. As a result, there are numerous photos and videos of high quality from the interior of the monument, floating around the web. The interior is still subject to technical works and restoration, so not everything is visible, but still videos are nice. Videos also show the exterior of the monument, where marble elements from the retaining wall (peribolos), scattered all around Amphipois (mostly near the Strymon), have been collected in order to be restored back on the monument in the coming years.

In the same region, outside the tomb, one may also see a collection of (mostly) limestone architectural elements that were forming the sealing walls of the tomb, or were collected from within the sandy fill of the chambers. Most possibly coming from a demolished building that was placed above the entrance staircase of the tomb and from the destroyed floor of the burial chamber. Interestingly, some of these pieces seem to be made of marble, not limestone, and their origin is unclear.

The tumulus has also been reshaped to what the excavation's architect seems to estimate is most close to its original shape. Apparently, there seems to be little evidence to the archaeologists of additional monuments hidden within the tumulus, otherwise they may have not gone ahead with this reshaping. No more excavations are planned within the tumulus boundaries in the near future. Focus will likely shift near but outside the tumulus's perimeter.

Few of the better videos are linked below:

1. (only video, no interviews)
2. (with interview in Greek from the current director of the local Ephorate)
3. (drone view of reshaped tumulus)
4. (single person visit, with his own commentary, in Greek)
5. (recent talk by the excavation's architect, in Italian) (after 1:26:15 in that video, check for a new local "trench" to exterior of the tomb's vault, revealing an interesting layer of material that likely served the purpose of protecting the interior from humidity etc.).

Strategos (general)
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Re: New views of the Amphipolis tomb

Post by Alexias »

Thank you very much for these. I hadn't realised that the chamber with the vaulted ceiling was quite so big.

One observation: there has to have been some sort of external structure at the entrance otherwise every time it rained, water would cascade down those steps and flood the tomb very quickly, and the diamond floor pattern doesn't look porous. Nor does there look to have been any outer door at the foot of the steps.
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