Alexander and the gates

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Alexander and the gates

Post by Efstathios »

A little has been said about the story that goes about Alexander sealing gates in Himalaia, India and the Gobi desert, and 72 kings and their people inside them.

There are three sources accounting to that. The one is from Saint Andrews, while the other two are texts from the Byzantine era, from the 7th and 15th century, from unknown writers.

Saint Andrews said in a prophetic text that near the end of the world the 72 kings and the "filthy" nations will come out of the gates that Alexander the Great sealed.

Now, the text from the 15th century goes as this:
"After beating Darius the Persian Alexander reached the sea, and the so called "land of the sun", where the "filthy" nations lived (the text here goes on describing these nations with various words, like "disgusting", "outlaws", "monsters") and he fought them. And the didnt want to bury the dead because he was afraid that they would "pollute" the earth, so he prayed to God and asked for help, and he drove off these nations to the north, and God listened to his prayer and commanded to build gates to seal them inside, and the gates were from copper, and he polished them with an ultimate glass, so they couldnt break them with anything."

And then the text from the 7th century:
At the end of times, there exit the Gog and Magog of the Apocalypse, in the land of "Ismail", and there exit the nations and the kings that were "cut off" (aka sealed), the Anoig, Anig, Ahenaz, Difar, Fotinaioi, Levioi, Eunioi, Farizaioi, Deklismoi, Zarmatai, Thlivaioi, Zarmatianoi, Hanonioi, Asarmastai, Garmiadai, Kounokefaloi, Tharvioi, Alanes, Fisolonikioi, Arinaioi, Asartanioi, and Magoth, and the kings that were put inside the Kaspian gates that Alexander that Great build. And when they come out, there comes the end of times. (aka the battle between the forces of evil and good).

We cannot say if the two texts are genuine, and who wrote them. But Saint Andrew's text is as far as i know genuine. We have some sources here that all say that Alexander hunted down the "filthy" nations and their kings, and sealed them behind gates, possibly leading down to earth. These filthy nations are somewhat connected to the biblical people that were the children of Elohim and the daughters of people, and that were eventually corrupted.

This also connects with various other aspects, such as the underground world, hollow earth, and the races that supposedly live there.

Now, there are lots of Saints, and Orthodox monks that have prophesized things, some of which have already happened. See "Cosmas o Aitolos" prophesies that were made in the 17th century. Amongst other things he said that "There will be a time when the carriages will be going without horses", "a web will connect people around the world", "the devil's horns will be on top of the houses", and much more that we have already seen. The cars, the telegraph or even the internet "web", and the tv antennas.

So, about these prophetic texts, i treat them respectfully, with interest, and a little caution of course.

What's interesting is that Alexander supposedly prayed to God. Which God? We have already discussed in the past about the ancient Greek's views about the 12 gods, the Socratic theories about the one God, and Alexander mostly reffering to Zeus as the one God.

Now, take into account Alexander's story, how he always wanted to conquer Asia since he was a child, that he never lost a battle, and other things, and you have an interesting story, and food for thought.

Is it possible that these texts have any truth in them? Lot's of things can be said, mainly from the known sources that dont mention Alexander hunting down "filthy nations", monsters, e.t.c., but maybe there are some clues. What about the tribes in India that Alexander fought fiercely as he was along the river? Maybe.
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Sir Winston Churchill, 1941.
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Re: Alexander and the gates

Post by mackerbryanee13 »


I am very intrigue about this topic that you brought up about the mysterious wall that Alexander allegedly built.

There was an obscure ancient eastern account of this and the way the author writes it sent chills and goosebumps down in my spine, he literally described reptilians, grey aliens, dogmen, birdmen, deros, and many more! Apparently these monsters will come out during the reign of the Antichrist and the final days of Millenial reign of Christ. These are the "Armies of the North" the Bible described.


And, again, Alexander the king heard of the The nations existence of the Viper' and Serpent nations, were generations of fiends, and devils, and salamanders.
And they had the faces of dogs, and the hands of men, and the tails of lions, and wings like eagles; and among them were some
who were like unto bears, and they had dung(?) and teeth like swine, and their offspring(?) were small and
resembled not each other. And they never remain a moment [over their] food, and they eat the flesh Manners of every [animal] which they find without cooking it in any way whatsoever; and whatever they find they devour, whether it be that which hath in it
fat, or trees, and bark, and roots, and they reject nothing. Everything which they find they consume. Now there are among them twelve tribes
of people, who have faces like unto animals, and who feed upon grass and hay. And some of them have faces like bulls, and some of them resemble
wild beasts and eat clean and unclean flesh. And some have heads which are like unto the heads of serpents and vipers, and they lick the dust,
And some have faces which resemble those of caterpillars and crocodiles, and they drink water and blood, and consume whatsoever is in the
sea, both things clean and things unclean. And some have faces which are like unto those of elephants and buffaloes, and they devour the roots
of trees, and everything which they find, both wet and dry. And some have faces which resemble those of parrots and eagles, and they eat the leaves of trees and drink fire like water. Each of them hath his own peculiar form and group, and each hath his own peculiar appearance, and God Almighty hath hidden and concealed them until He wished to bring them forth to consume everything which is in the earth, both beings of body
and beings of soul. None of them feared either fire or iron, and none of them hid himself in the earth, either in the mountains or in a cavern under the ground. now Alexander prayed that these nations might not gain the mastery over the children of men except at the appointed
time and crying out to Him, he made his way to them that he might see their country, and if by his faith, he was able to make war upon it and to command the army therein. And it came to pass that when he had seen the strength of their country, and its fortresses in the rocks, [he
found that it reached] to the Land of Darkness, and that there was there a place of going forth about twenty-two cubits [wide] through which these
nations were wont to go out to war with the children of men; and for this reason, they told Alexander and made known unto him that every
man whom they found they must do battle with. And it came to pass that when Alexander had visited their country he saw that it was precipitous, and rugged, and misty, and dark, and that hail, and clouds, and frost, and snow [were therein]; and the sight of their country grieved him, and
he wished neither to hear the sound of the voices of the people, nor to see their tribes, for the sight only of their country had troubled
his soul already overmuch. So he covered his face and grieved, for they were a generation of devils which had no fear in them. But God Almighty, in the abundance of His mercy, put into their hearts fear and trembling when they heard the sound of the horn, and the drum, and the
trumpet, and the [other] instruments of music ; and The nations when they were all gathered together within that narrow pass Alexander prayed to God, and set there a gate that they might not go out therefrom, until God Almighty should desire to bring them forth by His decree to make an end of the world, after the coming of Antichrist. Now the kings of these nations are Gog and Magog. And Alexander gathered the nations together and shut The gate of them in with a gate of brass which could not be opened, and with a threefold seal which could never be broken, and with a covering which could not be penetrated, and with a sheath which could be pierced neither by tool of iron nor by the flame of pitch, until it be the Will of God Almighty
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Re: Alexander and the gates

Post by Alexias »

Hi, thanks for your text. There is another similar text here ... gog#p16885

There is an article on the 'Wall of Alexander' here ... alexander/.

I think we are entering the realms of mythology here. When veterans, merchants, engineers etc. began returning from the further reaches of Alexander's realm, they obviously brought with them tales of fantastic people, places, animals and cultures. It is easy to see how these stories became exaggerated, embroidered, distorted and accreted to existing tales. For example, even in the 1920s, rural English people were surprised to find that Irish navvies working in the neighbourhood did not have devils' tails.

The stories of Alexander confining people behind walls may have an origin in the forced settlement of locals into Alexander’s new cities, particularly in Sogdiana (I think – I haven’t been able to find the reference), where they were used to a pastoral lifestyle.

There are also many stories of gods or heroes confining demons and monsters, for example Zeus confining the Titans in Tartarus, so one of these stories could easily have been accredited to Alexander’s legend.

The building of walls across mountain passes to confine people is only effective against the rapid movement of large numbers of people and of goods. It is not effective against people on foot who simply go round the walls. Alexander would have been well aware of this having bypassed Thermopylae by cutting steps in the mountains, and simply marching around the Persian Gates and attacking the forces in the rear, so I think we can write down any stories of Alexander building walls across mountains passes to mythology.
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Re: Alexander and the gates

Post by mackerbryanee13 »

These gate was constructed between two newly collapsed mountains, which I believe collapsed in order to form a 23 cubits wide cave opening of some sort. Today these wall was probably covered in deep snow somewhere in Siberia, interestingly Siberia and Antarctica wasn't covered in snow during Alexander the Great's expedition. This is only a gut feeling but I think Alexander traveled from India up to Chinese coasts northwards into North Siberian coasts and then walked on the existing land bridge of Alaska into North America. Again following the coasts into South America where he built the legendary "Tayos Cave Library". One of the metallic plaques found there depicts Gog and Magog and the 2 mountains, it seems he inspired the Natives which made them said these memorable quotes "Before he arrived in our lands, our forefathers were naked". Again following the South American Chilean coasts he probably sailed into a not so icy islands of Antarctica (my guts tells me that this is the part in his memoirs, where he tried to gain entry into Paradise, read Olaf Jansen's the smoky god for reference) And so he literally went round about the earth and died.
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