Not strictly true. Shah Shujah was the 'legitimate' ruler of Afghanistan but had been kicked out by Dost Mohammed, who was a much better ruler, far more capable. The British invaded Afghanistan to put Shujah back on the throne, and to kick Dost Mohammed off it, because they were worried that the Dost was becoming too friendly with the Russian delegations. Had the British actually been polite to Dost Mohammed, and trusted him, he would almost certainly have remained a loyal friend. Instead they put Shujah back on the throne, but Shujah was universally hated, and had no backbone. The "Army of the Indus" was a massive affair, most definitely on a war footing ... although they didn't exactly intend to have to fight a war.agesilaos wrote:As for our first foray into Afganistan, we went in at the invitation of one warlord and so not on a war footing;
Ah, poor Elphinstone. He argued that he wasn't the right man to command the army of occupation, and he wasn't ... but the British wouldn't listen. He made just about every mistake there was to make, and was incredibly indecisive as well, which was even worse than making a wrong decision.... the commander was a truly British ass, however and failed to suppress trouble when it started; he famously threw the 48th, I think into square to resist sniping!
Of course, Montgomery's adage was "never attack Moscow, and never engage in a land-war in Asia". I suppose Afghanistan would count as a land-war in Asia ...Naturally there was a political fudge to make Peace but there are only two givens in Strategy - Don't attack moscow and no one gets out of Afganistan with a win.
Absolutely. And I believe that's pretty much what the afore-mentioned officer said! There was also at least one officer who brought a whole pack of hunting hounds with him ... presumably they were eaten at some point ...As for 60 camels for cigars, Spitamenes, I believe you are out there, do you know where a chap can get a decent cheroot? Dash it all! how can a man civilise the Fuzzies if he's forced to live like a barbarian?