Discussion on Sexual Mores of Ancient World

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Discussion on Sexual Mores of Ancient World

Post by S »

Greetings,I am interested in following some serious lines of discussion on the cultural development of, and reasons for, the male/male relationship in the ancient world as well as looking at which cultures incorporated this into their society, what the boundaries were, and when, if ever, changes in the relationship were expected. I am trying to compare this to some cultures in the recent past and in the present.However, I am inviting anyone interested to bring the discussion to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/alexandriaeschate/
because it is a moderated forum and tends to avoid certain problems.This is not meant to take away from Pothos, which I enjoy immensely. Several members here also post on AE and so far, there has been no problem. I am hoping for a serious discussion based in the use of sources (ie ancient texts, Zimmermann, Dover, Shepsut, Pomeroy and others-including recent articles by Pal and others- as well as comparative cultural texts, experiences and POV's. etc). Regards,
Hetairos (companion)
Posts: 434
Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:57 pm

Re: Discussion on Sexual Mores of Ancient World

Post by Linda »

Thanks Sikander - I'd like to learn...Linda

Re: Discussion on Sexual Mores of Ancient World

Post by S »

Greetings Linda,We would enjoy having you as a contributing member of the discussion group. You have a lot to offer. The discussion will take a while to create (though there is already some good information coming in) and ultimately, the goal is to have the data examined and a detailed article written that offers as much accuracy as possible.Regards,
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